The Astrology Blog 6 September 2021
All times in BST
“It’s not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive, but those who can best manage change.”
Charles Darwin
Last week in the world the Mars – Neptune opposition (once every two years) reflected serious and tragic water issues, Hurricane Ida, record breaking rainfall in New York and flash floods there and in other parts of the US, the same in Spain as flooding followed severe storms, forcing the closure of airports, railways and roads.
This puts being without water for a couple of hours into perspective, but as followers of astrologer, we observe how these aspects show in both large and small ways. We always observe the as above, so below principle. Here’s what’s happening this coming week.
Venus is on the last leg of the journey through her own sign of Libra, has just struggled past the square to Pluto and starts the new week with her final aspect while in Libra, the harmonious trine to Jupiter. Mars is also on the last leg of his journey through Virgo, making his final major aspect too less than an hour earlier, also a trine, to Pluto –
Monday 6 September
- Mars 24 Virgo trine Pluto 24 Capricorn 13.16
- Venus 25 Libra trine Jupiter 25 Aquarius 14.06
Mars is work, and in Virgo he’s a great symbol for learning skills and crafts, and I’ve seen this show in my hard working students this week. The positive aspect to Pluto is helpful for wrapping things up (a final aspect and Pluto = endings) or for getting to grips with something at a much deeper level.
Venus is known as the Lesser Benefic and Jupiter as the Greater Benefic – ie they benefit us, as between them they rule all of life’s goodies such as love, pleasures, women, money (Venus) and travel, learning, fun, optimism, new horizons and opportunities (Jupiter).
Whenever the Benefics come together then this is a positive combination and generally spells good news, enjoyment and a matter moving on in a way that brings a great deal of fun or satisfaction. It’s another wonderful aspect for bringing the astrology course to a satisfying conclusion.
Also note that Venus and Mars are playing into the alignment between Jupiter and Pluto themselves (more on that at the end of the blog) and also at the end of the week the Moon makes her monthly conjunction with Venus just before she changes sign, at 29 Libra. This is known as a “critical degree”, as in important rather than indicating a crisis, and again in terms of conclusions. The other critical degree is 0 degrees, the beginning of a cycle, and Venus will be at 0 Scorpio on the same day –
Friday 10 September
- Moon conjunct Venus 29 Libra 05.49
- Venus ingress Scorpio 21.40
This transition is also seeing Venus move from her own sign of Libra to one of her signs of detriment. Venus in Scorpio is a formidable combination, as seen when interpreted as a natal placing. An excerpt from my book Be Your Own Astrologer –
Venus in Mars’s feminine sign is intense and deeply emotional, although you would be forgiven for not thinking so on first impressions. These Venus people do not wear their hearts on their sleeves, to put it mildly. Co-ruled by Pluto there is a secretive streak and a need to stay in control of their feelings. This belies a passionate nature and they may even come across as cold or indifferent. Often there is some disturbing experience in their childhood or adolescent life that taught them to give nothing away. Abuse stories are tragically common. Having suffered from powerlessness they instinctively or consciously protect their vulnerability and nobody gets through the security gates without careful screening.
These Venus individuals usually ooze sex appeal, mystery and look drop dead gorgeous in black. They admire strength and bravery, and need a partner who is bold and gutsy. Passivity bores them. They know all about the power of sex but are prone to jealousy or possessiveness. However, when secure or truly put to the test, they make awesome partners. Their all or nothing nature means that they can do for better or worse, in sickness or in health, till death us do part better than anyone. Former First Lady Hillary Clinton survived the sexual scandals of her husband and went on to excel in her own political career. She is especially known for encouraging the empowerment of women on a global scale.
Venus in Scorpio has a highly developed sixth sense and can also symbolize the psychic or the healer.
Venus will be travelling through Scorpio until 7th October, so emotional and sexual intensity is going to be cranked up, and also issues relating to the control of women (Afghanistan). Mars will change sign and move into Libra next week, Wed 15th, and this is also one of his signs of detriment. Generally this indicates some kind of mismatch. This becomes obvious when we note that Mars likes action, immediacy and straight lines, whereas Libra weighs things up.
But these two combinations mean that we will also have a “mutual reception” – ie two planets in each other’s signs, Venus in Scorpio (Mars sign) and Mars in Libra (Venus sign). This is a helpful factor that indicates collaboration and the possibility of swapping things around and I’ll be talking more about this in the coming weeks.
Another big event of the week is the New Moon, that’s exact as we tip into Tuesday, so this is actually within 12 hours of the Venus and Mars final aspects, they all coincide –
Tuesday 7 September
- New Moon 14 Virgo 01.53
- Moon 14 Virgo trine Uranus 14 Taurus 01.56
- Sun14 Virgo trine Uranus 14 Taurus 02.30
A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon (the Luminaries or the Lights, Sun being the Light of the day and the Moon being the Light of the night) are exactly conjunct each other and as this one falls at 14 degrees of Virgo this means that both the Lights align by exact trine with Uranus in Taurus, another earth sign.
Maverick Uranus is always a bit of a loose cannon but he’s the planet of the collective and groups so again this is another lovely bit of astrology for teaching and learning. As Virgo is the sign of health this is also an auspicious New Moon for Elisabeth’s group, arriving on Wednesday, for Astrology, Herbs & Health.
This will be especially significant for you if you have planets or Angles at or close to 14 degrees of these earth signs, or the other earth sign of Capricorn. For me personally it’s conjunct my Midheaven to within one degree, the Angle of the chart that marks the beginning of the 10th House of career and purpose. It’s wonderful to get back to live teaching.
At a universal level look out for new beginnings/next chapters that are characterized by Uranian hallmarks – eg the involvement of friends or groups, suddenness, excitement, the unexpected, the unusual, disruption, the thing you couldn’t possibly have seen coming.
Uranus rules everything from breakdowns to breakthroughs, he wants to change the old order of things and doesn’t really care how he does it. If you’ve been putting off changes, especially for a long time, your hand may now be forced by circumstances seemingly or genuinely out of your control. Uranus has a way of running out of patience and making the changes for you.
Finally as mentioned earlier in terms of the bigger picture backdrop going on the two giants of Jupiter (12 year cycle) and Pluto (248 year cycle) are travelling one sign apart and make the exact semi-sextile at the weekend –
Saturday 11 September
- Jupiter 24 Aquarius semi-sextile Pluto 24 Capricorn 11.42
This is the second of a series of three as both of these planets loop backwards and forwards for long periods of time. The first one was in April and the third and final one will be at the end of November –
- 20 April – Jupiter/Pluto 27 Aquarius – Capricorn
- 11 September – Jupiter/Pluto 24 Aquarius – Capricorn
- 27 November – Jupiter/Pluto 25 Aquarius – Capricorn
This also fits the theme of old orders changing, often characterized by loss/absence first and then the process of readapting. If you have planets or Angles at 24 – 25 of Aquarius – Capricorn or their opposite signs of Leo – Cancer then this sequence will be of especial significance for the matching events in your own life.
Back to the classroom!
Until next week, with love from Greece