Princess Latifa, Mercury on the Move, Mars – Pluto Closure & Venus New Cycle

Mars and Pluto coming together is not the easiest of combinations so look out for the situations or events that require you to be tough. If you’re in a failing relationship this is likely to be an extremely testing week but it’s really important not to allow yourself to be bullied or overpowered in any way by someone else’s behavior. I would avoid the trap of thinking that you have to “try harder”. Any relationship that is just hard work needs to be questioned.

The Saturn – Uranus Clashes & Conflicts, Mercury’s Turnaround & Getting Back on Track

The Saturn – Uranus square is not easy, but this combination is like The Tower in the tarot. Something disintegrates, something can no longer continue in its existing structure, something’s gotta give. And as this first square forms with a stationary direct Mercury it indicates a tipping point, in our own decisions or in the shape of decisions that are made for us.

New Moon, Mercury – Venus – Jupiter as the Voice of Valentine’s Day & the Art of Optimism

The second half of the week is much brighter as we have the annual beautiful Venus – Jupiter conjunction. These are the two “benefics” – Venus is known as the Lesser Benefic Jupiter as the Greater Benefic – so in other words they’re good for us. Between them they rule all the things that make life sweet, joyful or easier such as love and money (Venus), good luck, fun and optimism (Jupiter) – and this year’s conjunction also coincides with the New Moon – fresh starts, opportunities, new cycles, new faces. 

Retrograde Mercury & the Edge of Reason, Baby Steps & the Power of Perspective

Mercury is retrograde three times a year for three weeks at a time. The real meaning of retrograde in the astronomical sense is a planet appearing to make a backward loop as watched from our place here on Earth. As any planet starts (stationary retrograde) or stops (stationary direct) making these loops they appear to be at a standstill. These are therefore the moments to watch for turning points in our own lives.