A Jupiterian New Moon, the Venus-Mars Union, Putin & Uranus

The fact that this next Venus – Mars conjunction is the second in the space of three weeks makes it extra significant. This happens because last time (16 Feb, in the middle of Capricorn) Venus had recently turned direct (29 Jan) and was still picking up speed … Venus now catching up with Mars again repeats the conjunction BUT in a different sign (Aquarius) AND at 0 degrees. This is known as a “critical degree” – powerful beginnings, the start of a whole new chapter.

Mercury Lifting Shadows, the Venus-Mars Work of Effortful Love & the Queen

The Astrology Blog 21 February 2022                                          All times in GMT                                       “Dependency may appear to be love because it is a force that causes people to fiercely attach themselves to one another. But in actuality it is not love; it is a form of antilove … it seeks to receive rather than to give.…