You can now choose to be on one or both of my mailing lists:


The Astrology Blog will continue to go out every Monday morning but only to paid subscribers.

To discover more about what’s included in the weekly blog, for more details and to choose your payment option, click here


If you’re already on my current mailing list you will continue to hear from me free of charge with a newsletter that I’ll be sending out a couple of times a month.

All my paid subscribers will also receive this mailing.

The Free Newsletter is my way of staying in touch with everyone and keeping you up to date with plans as they unfold, such as:

  • Astrology or tarot courses here in Greece, with myself or with visiting tutors
  • Availability for readings and
  • Publication dates for new books which are in the pipeline

You’ll also find some astrology chat, including things like some personal observations or easy to understand interpretations of Sun Signs.

However this newsletter won’t include the astrology for the week ahead or any teaching material because these areas will be covered only in the weekly astrology blog.

If you’d like to start receiving my Free Newsletter, you can subscribe here

Sun in Cancer, Mercury’s Big Change of Sign into Leo & Preview of Next Week’s Celestial Forecast

You will absolutely be keeping me as a very satisfied subscriber. It’s the best email I get every week, thank you – Pamela / I am resubscribing. Your weekly blogs are just wonderful – thorough, informative and packed with great examples both personal and more general – Clare / I’m resubscribing, I definitely wouldn’t want to miss your newsletter. I get a lot out of it! – Jan / I’ve just resubscribed for another year. I read you every Monday. It’s very reassuring to know why things are the way they are – Barbara


What’s this Mercury/Venus Double Act? Preview of Tomorrow’s Astrology & Last Call for Signing Up before New Rates

Mercury and Venus, before changing sign, both have to struggle past Neptune first, who is “stuck” on the last degree of Pisces for weeks, a “critical degree” and the position of the sad Fixed Star of Scheat. If you’ve spent the weekend feeling heavy, sad, tired, noticeably anxious or battling with something that just won’t make sense then you’re far from alone!
