Life & Love’s Dilemmas, Honouring not Owning, Could or Should?

The love planets Venus and Mars squaring up to each can indicate times of friction or reveal your incompatibilities rather than your similarities. That’s not always a bad thing. A lot of relationship research shows that the couples who make the greatest success of their lives together are those who very different from each other. In fact, trying to make someone align with everything you want and in the way that you want is the fastest way to breed possessiveness and to suck the life out of romance. It’s not “sameness” that attracts us or fascinates us.

Relationships, Trustful or Toxic, Questions & Answers

In sharp contrast to Mars’ stops and starts, both Mercury and Venus are at full speed and there’s definitely some teamwork going on as they’ll align by positive aspect at the end of next week before both changing sign within 12 hours of each other. Whatever else may be slowing you down in terms of the how, when, if questions – an ongoing theme in a world being controlled by a pandemic – these Mercury aspects are promising for meaningful and helpful connections.

A Whacky and Wakeup Full Moon, Confidence & the Power of Passion

Mercury finally emerging from the mute sign of Cancer, the sideways moving Crab, now has the chance to speak directly instead of indirectly, to make thoughts and feelings known, to start creative projects and to get organized. Leo has brilliant management skills. To those who don’t know what to do with their lives I always say, identify your passion. We all have something we feel passionate about and if you can turn it into your living then you’ve cracked it. Whatever, we’re in the Leo time of year with the Sun in his own sign and Mercury can now also get fired and draw attention rather than hiding out.