Joanna Watters contact page
Joanna Watters Astrology and tarot author and teachers

Please contact Joanna…

…to discover more about Astrology and Tarot consultations and readings


London Visits

Get in touch if you would like more details of upcoming Astrology and Tarot consultations or readings on visits to London.


Personal Readings

You can also use this form if you want to contact Joanna to book a personal reading.

Joanna offers Tarot Readings, Astrology Readings or consultations that provide a combination of both.


Whatever your question, Joanna would love to hear from you.

Click here to send your message to Joanna

Subscribe to the Astrology Blog – your Astrology Guide to the Week Ahead

The weekly Astrology Blog comes out every Monday morning and includes lots of specific information for the astrology student.

Each blog explores the main astrological events – such as New or Full Moons, aspects between planets and when each planet changes sign or direction. This gives you the flavor of the week, together with the kind of events and experiences you’re likely to encounter.

It also covers key people in the news and how astrological aspects may be impacting them.

This is a paid subscription at the very affordable rate of £6.45 a month – which works out at £1.46 a week OR you can choose an annual subscription for 20% less, which is £62.00 for the year.

In addition to the weekly blog, you’ll also receive my free newsletter. And you can unsubscribe at any time

“I can’t live without your weekly blog – it’s my Monday morning fix and I get fretful if it’s late!”   Sonia