About Joanna Watters

I live in the village of Nidri on the Ionian island of Lefkada, a move I made in May 1995.

Some people thought I was mad, others thought I was brave. I felt neither. Having reached an obvious crossroads in my life it was a natural step. I left my hectic London life behind and for my first season I rented a room in an old rickety house. It had dodgy electrics, a leaky shower and a donkey in the back garden. The orange and lemon trees were so close that I could pick the fruit from my balcony and the stunning night sky was an astrologer’s paradise.

Helping people with readings

Having put everything in storage I’d arrived with a rucksack, my ephemerides – astrological tables that tell you where the planets are each day – and my tarot cards. In those days legislation around such things as work permits was practically nonexistent. I simply set up a table on the seafront, alongside the artists and the girls doing hair wraps and selling handmade jewelry, and did on the spot readings for tourists. We all worked from about 7.30pm when the heat of the day was cooling, to around midnight. I met some wonderful people, heard harrowing, humbling and uplifting stories, and honed my tarot reading skills in the process. It was only in my second season that I realized that a wealth of material was passing through, or under, my hands. I started to write up the stories and these led to the publication of my first book, Tarot for Today.

Joanna Watters and rescue dog Lola

Subscribe to my weekly Astrology Blog – your essential Guide to the Week Ahead

This is a paid subscription at the very affordable rate of £6.45 a month – which works out at £1.46 a week OR you can choose an annual subscription for 20% less, which is £62.00 for the year.

The weekly Astrology Blog comes out every Monday morning and includes lots of specific information for the astrology student. But is also written in such a way that anyone can follow it.

Each blog explores the main astrological events – such as New or Full Moons, aspects between planets and when each planet changes sign or direction. This gives you the flavor of the week, together with the kind of events and experiences you’re likely to encounter.

It also covers key people in the news and how astrological aspects may be impacting them.

In addition to the weekly blog, you’ll also receive my free newsletter. And you can unsubscribe at any time

Joanna Watters subcribe to the weekly astrology blog

“I love your astrology blog that you take the trouble to write and send every week, without fail. It’s always packed with information, so helpful, thank you x”   Carole

If you’d like to learn more about Astrology and Tarot – explore my books

My three books are written with the avid student in mind!

They are all based on traditional craft and will teach you the tools of the trade, but they also extend into the knowledge I’ve gleaned through doing personal readings and research over the last 30 years.

They include personal anecdotes, client case studies and examples from the world of celebrities.

See below for more details.

Be Your Own Astrologer

Joanna Watters Be Your Own Astrologer books

This book goes beyond the sun signs to look at the importance of every planet’s position in your birth chart.


Astrology for Today

Joanna Watters Astrology for Today

Astrology has a place in the modern world and Joanna guides you through all the elements of the horoscope.


Tarot for Today

Joanna Watters Tarot for Today book

Joanna shares insights that show how Tarot can be a tool for understanding problems in contemporary life.