The Astrology Blog 27 May 2019
The Courage to Feel, the End of Pretend and the Empowerment of Choice
“Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.“
– E.E. Cummings – poet and author, born 14 October 1894, on a Full Moon Sun Libra (the other)/Moon Aries (the self)
It’s a long time since we’ve had such a long gap between major aspects. Last Wednesday we had the Mars – Uranus sextile, which from the stories and events going on around me proved to be as tricky and as painful as I’d suspected it would be, the two planets both being in signs that are at odds with their nature. There were no other major aspects for the rest of last week, and this week the first event doesn’t fall until the early hours of Thursday morning.
So there’s rather a feeling of the lull before the storm, a watershed, a time to rest, reflect or regroup. We’re heading for the Gemini New Moon at the very beginning of next week, so the time for practical, emotional or psychological fresh starts is not far off. In the meantime we have Mercury (the mind) and Venus (where your heart lies) as the active players, and both are strongly placed as they’re travelling through their own signs.
Mercury is also moving fast, keeping us on our toes, especially as both his aspects are challenging ones –
Thursday 30 May
Mercury 18 Gemini square Neptune 18 Pisces 02.24 BST
Friday 31 May
Mercury 21 Gemini opposite Jupiter 21 Sagittarius 04.13 BST
Firstly note that Neptune is almost stationary, getting ready to turn retrograde 21 June. With an orbit of 176 years this planet crawls along anyway, but either side of turning points (ie going retrograde or going direct again) there is barely any movement at all. Neptune moves only half a degree throughout the whole of May and is now only 10 minutes of arc (one sixth of a degree) away from the exact retrograde turning point position – which will be 18.43.
This means that Neptunian concerns are in effect being intensified, powerfully so if you have planets or angles at 18 degrees Pisces, and significantly so if you have planets or angles at 18 degrees in the opposite sign of Virgo, or in the other water signs of Cancer and Scorpio. With these slower moving outer planets all the other aspects are worth noting too, so if you have anything at 18 degrees look at the aspects being made. For example, I have Jupiter at 18 Scorpio (so Neptune is transiting by trine) opposite Mars at 18.47 Taurus (so Neptune is transiting almost exactly by sextile). I’ve got a good idea what this is about as Neptune stuff tends to bring me work but I’ll give you feedback on this when things are less fuzzy!
So, start by bearing in mind the matters that Neptune rules –
- Neptune – main principle is Redemption.
- Psychologically his realm is fusion, the boundless watery world of the emotions, ruling the fuzzy world of falling in love right through to the suffering of loss, grief or personal sacrifice.
- His nature is subtle, seductive, addictive, mysterious, magical, healing, imaginative, empathic, confusing or disorientating.
My book Be Your Own Astrologer takes you through all the planets and signs
The Mercury – Neptune square (inharmonious) is more likely to tap into the difficult stuff and can indicate such things as sad news, a disappointment, communication or technology issues that are hard to resolve or at worst a web of lies. For now approach your issues as if Mercury were retrograde, with caution and some healthy skepticism. In relation to this week’s quote pay special attention to your feelings. Identify them, own them and be true to them. They are your best guide in the pursuit of happiness and it’s crucial not to believe the lies that we tell ourselves! Mercury squaring up to Neptune is classic for distorting the truth, and also warns that one simple issue can escalate into a flood. It’s not great for good quality sleep either so it’s even more important to work on the things that keep you awake at night.
The Mercury – Jupiter opposition is less about emotions and more about doing – or over doing. Jupiter is forever the optimist but by opposition tends to bring overwhelm, so be realistic about what you take on at this time and look carefully at your choices. Delegate if you’re already on overload and remember that you’re a human being not a robot. This is Mercury’s last aspect before changing sign next week so some matters simply need wrapping up. And if you can’t do everything then prioritise. The most positive message here is liberation. Jupiter is all about truth and freedom, so for some of us midweek events will reveal choices or opportunities, paying the way to the New Moon.
In the second half of the week Venus starts a series of three aspects, also starting with Neptune, but this time by harmonious sextile –
Thursday 30 May
Venus 18 Taurus sextile Neptune 18 Pisces 17.52 BST
Friday 31 May
Venus 20 Taurus trine Saturn 20 Capricorn 04.13 BST
Monday 3 June
Venus 22 Taurus trine Pluto 22 Capricorn 04.40 BST
This sequence is much steadier, indicating a place of calm after the somewhat frenetic, hyperactive or tiring Mercury stuff. The Venus – Neptune contact in particular carries loveliness as both planets are “dignified” in their own signs.
Love and money dreams can be made real, fears can be laid to rest, especially the ones that turn out to be products of our fretful imaginations, or the right person will step in with compassion.
The Venus contacts to Saturn and Pluto are also by harmonious aspect – trines, exactly 4 signs apart, as all are in earth signs – and bode well for making firm arrangements or for putting money matters in order.
Even so we still have to bear in mind that these planets generally signify matters that need work, effort or acceptance. They’re not usually easy, even by good aspect, but they can be very satisfying and rewarding.
If you know that you need to make big changes in your life then note that Saturn and Pluto carry symbolism in connection to endings, Saturn of the “end of the road” kind and Pluto of the “death/rebirth” kind. Again this is underlined by the fact that this is Venus’ last aspect before changing sign at the end of next week, so “end it or mend it” is the big message for anything that is making you miserable or keeping you trapped.
These aspects are however not generally the stuff of half measures. Often they signify the things that have simply had their day. So don’t throw good money after bad, and don’t stay in the wrong relationship, not for any reason. Look at where it hurts and don’t cover it up with sticking plasters. Know your limits when it comes to identifying how much you’re prepared to give up of yourself to keep someone else “happy”. If one person is miserable in a relationship then the other one isn’t happy either, no matter what they say, and no matter what you try to do or say.
The Gemini New Moon next Monday is fantastic for “perception of choice”, a crucial element in our mental and physical wellbeing, and I’ll be talking more about this next time,
Until next week
With love from Greece