The Astrology Blog 2 May 2022
All times in BST
“We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time. ”
Brené Brown
“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”
Suzy Kassem – American author and philosopher, granddaughter of a well-known sage in 19th century Cairo, born 1 December 1975
Thanks to Sheila Roher who posted on the Astrological Association Facebook page this weekend the news that Naomi Judd had died at the age of 76. She pointed out that Naomi had suffered from mental health issues in her life and that her daughters’ statement when breaking the news was that they had lost their “beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness”.
In her post Sheila asked, “How do others prepare themselves or counsel others about eclipses to the Moon or other sensitive points on the chart?” so here’s a copy of my own answer to that question –
The death of an “exalted” woman certainly fits the eclipse symbolism and I totally agree that the Venus – Jupiter (exact within 45 mins of the eclipse) is the release from her earthly struggles. Jupiter alone often features in deaths of the “merciful release” kind. In answer to your questions I personally counsel that eclipses are tipping points of change, carrying the hallmarks of finality but also inevitability, they feel very “fated” and you can’t argue with them. Whatever the issue or concern might be, once the shadow falls then time’s up, and the time is right. I think this helps with that all important acceptance.
The Solar Eclipse was in Taurus, the Sun and Moon together at the time of the New Moon as usual but with the Moon obscuring the face of the Sun as seen from Earth (not visible from Europe unfortunately). Taurus is the Moon’s sign of exaltation, ie her best placing, Moon is women.
Another natal example is Prince Charles’ Moon in Taurus up in the 10th House of authority and public service and conjunct the North Node. This is a clear showing of his mother (Moon) the Queen. It’s also their main synastry point as the Queen’s Sun is 0.13 Taurus and Charles’ Moon is 0.26 Taurus, giving them the “cosmic marriage” as it’s called when one person’s Sun conjuncts the other person’s Moon.
But Charles’ exalted Moon is also clearly the Princess of Wales, whose iconic status was irrevocably secured through her early and tragic death. There is no more exalted woman than Diana.
The news about Naomi Judd was also on the BBC by late morning yesterday, quoting the same statement from her daughters, Wynnona and Ashley, “Today we sisters experienced a tragedy. We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness and we are navigating profound grief.”
The clear implication is suicide. On her Wikipedia page I read that she’d been on lithium for depression and panic attacks, which is heavy duty stuff, it’s what you take when the antidepressants haven’t worked and it’s a last chance drug for those plagued with suicidal thoughts.
What a tragedy, and yet again we’re reminded that all the fame and fortune in the world are not enough to guarantee happiness or, in Diana’s case, safety.
The natal indications of chronic depression in Naomi’s chart jump out with the Sun (life force) at 21 Capricorn smack opposite her Saturn at 21 Cancer (one of Saturn’s signs of detriment). Saturn is known as the enemy of the Lights (the Sun and Moon) being in detriment in their signs of Leo and Cancer.
This opposition falls across the 6th/12th houses where we locate health/suffering. Mars is also conjunct her Saturn (the two “malefics” united, and Mars in Cancer is his sign of Fall) and all three are square to Jupiter and Chiron the Wounded Healer, creating an aspect pattern called a T Square.
Naomi’s natal Moon is in Taurus, at 6 degrees, within 4 degrees of Saturday’s Eclipse, and square to Pluto (11 Leo) on her Ascendant (7 Leo), which in itself is a textbook showing of mental health issues, I’ve seen that one many times. Pluto rules absence and darkness, and is god of the underworld, our own underworld is our unconscious. Pluto was discovered in 1930 coinciding with the birth of psychoanalysis.
How the event shows astrologically for her daughters works to exactitude. Her older daughter Wynonna is the one she partnered with and they became the most famous mother – daughter duo in country music history. Hardly surprising then that we see Wynonna’s Descendant invoked, the super sensitive Angle of partnership at 28.36 Capricorn, the EXACT position at which Pluto turned retrograde just 26 hours before the Eclipse.
If you’re not familiar with the cycles of the planets Pluto’s is 248 years, so this is an extremely rare transit that not everyone experiences. Wynnona also picks up the Eclipse as her Jupiter is at 11 Taurus in the 10th House, one of the parental houses. Uranus (shocks) is also in the picture, currently at 14 Taurus (so within 4 degrees of the Eclipse) and less than half a degree away from Wynonna’s Mercury at 15.04 Taurus. This whole picture tells us how devastating this loss must be.
Naomi’s second daughter, actress Ashley Judd, experiences the same astrological theme starting with a planet close to the Eclipse degree – her Mars at 16 Taurus, ruler of the 4th House and positioned conjunct the Midheaven, the Angle to the 10th House (so both of the Houses in which we locate the parents).
Her Descendant is also in the picture, at 24.35 Aquarius, and on the day of her mother’s death Saturn was at 24.18 Aquarius. Given that Saturn crosses over our Descendant once every 29.5 years this is what you call exact.
The more helpful transit is the Venus – Jupiter conjunction at 27 Pisces in her 8th House of death falling opposite her Uranus at 26 Virgo. There’s the shock. But I wonder if she will also come to feel, more easily than her sister, that this was a merciful release for a mother so plagued by her own demons.
As Venus smiles on Jupiter we can expect to see some ongoing themes as these two planets are now drifting apart but stay within “orb” – up to 8 degrees apart – for another week. Their exact conjunction fell less than one hour after the Eclipse so as the shadows lift we’re getting news that carries Venus/Jupiter hallmarks, such as long distance travel and everything to do with overseas, eg getting to Greece, Qantas to open nonstop direct flights Sydney – London, New Zealand opening up as of this morning to vaccinated visitors from about 60 visa-waiver countries as part of the government’s phased reopening plan. Emotional (Venus) scenes at the airport (Jupiter)!
Jupiter also rules freedom and liberation, which has now happened for some evacuees from the steelworks in Mariupol after two months of hell. Let’s pray that this really will be an ongoing picture.
In your own horoscope look at where the Eclipse fell and where Venus and Jupiter now sit, clock whatever shadows may be lifting literally or metaphorically (I had a big idea, with four planets in the other Jupiter ruled sign of Sagittarius Jupiter events are generally significant for me, more on that soon) and seize your opportunities (Jupiter).
Step out of the shadows, either your own or those being cast over you by others. Try to liberate yourself from the things that depress you. I suggested to a friend that constant news watching exposes us to a lot of fear, and she replied that in the UK “we do spend a lot of time feeling terrified!” That’s a very strong word and a very strong emotion. Is it really necessary, what is that really about? Be willing to take a leap of faith (Jupiter) because nothing in this life is watertight. Whatever your doubts may be, what’s the worst thing that could happen? What’s the best? Hence the choice of quotes for this week’s blog.
Here’s your at a glance list of the key astrological activity this week, starting with Venus changing sign and including the annual Sun – Uranus conjunction, which I’m expecting to be especially lively given that it’s so close to the eclipse degree –
Monday 2 May
- Venus ingress Aries 17.12
Tuesday 3 May
- Jupiter 28 Pisces sextile Pluto 28 Capricorn 23.18
Wednesday 4 May
- Mars 14 Pisces sextile Uranus 14 Taurus 16.47
Thursday 5 May
- Sun conjunct Uranus 14 Taurus 08.22
Friday 6 May
- Mercury 4 Gemini sextile Venus 4 Aries 07.02
Saturday 7 May
- Sun 16 Taurus sextile Mars 16 Pisces 10.49
Monday 2 May
- Venus ingress Aries 17.12
Friday 6 May
- Mercury 4 Gemini sextile Venus 4 Aries 07.02
In terms of fresh starts any planet reaching 0 degrees of Aries marks the beginning of a brand new journey. Wherever you need to “start again” do so, especially from this evening onwards, with anything Venus related – love, money, life’s pleasures at the top of the list.
As Venus spends today moving from 29 Pisces (position of a Fixed Star Scheat associated with suffering and sabotage) to 0 Aries your personal journey should become clearer, maybe even dramatically so. Aries is the sign of the self and entitlement – so the best way to use this Venus is to be “self”ish, do what is right for you and don’t apologise about it. I don’t mean this in terms of dismissing everyone else, but rather to be aware that if you’re living your best possible life and being the best possible you then you will be of far more value to everyone close to you.
A big plus point about this ingress is that we’ll now have some fire in the picture. Things have been extremely watery to say the least, it’s definitely had its own plus points, but if you’re a fiery type as I am then turning up the heat and the action is a welcome prospect. I start to get a bit weary of Groundhog Day syndrome.
Venus’ first date on this new journey is with Mercury first thing on Friday (compare Monday 18 April when we had Mercury 13 Taurus sextile Venus 13 Pisces as there may be a connection). The aspect is repeating because Mercury has been slowing down in readiness for turning retrograde next week, more on that next time.
For now note that any Mercury – Venus combinations are good news and we won’t get this particular aspect again until 12 May next year. As Mercury is stationing then anything that is prompting a big rethink or which takes you back to ideas, thoughts or decisions that you’ve been mulling over gets a big tick.
Tuesday 3 May
- Jupiter 28 Pisces sextile Pluto 28 Capricorn 23.18
This is a major event as these two giants align harmoniously as they get to being exactly two signs apart. It’s Jupiter’s last aspect before changing sign, following Venus into Aries next week. Jupiter will return to the end degrees of Pisces later in the year (October to December) but won’t repeat this aspect to Pluto. Clock those last chance moments to turn a possibility into a reality, wrap up anything that has already dragged on for too long and don’t underestimate the power of some soul searching. Jupiter – Pluto combinations point to ruthless honesty.
The rest of this week’s picture is dominated by this extremely lively dance going on between these three planets –
Wednesday 4 May
- Mars 14 Pisces sextile Uranus 14 Taurus 16.47
Thursday 5 May
- Sun conjunct Uranus 14 Taurus 08.22
Saturday 7 May
- Sun 16 Taurus sextile Mars 16 Pisces 10.49
The Sun catches up with all of the other planets once a year (never repeats anything as the Sun is never retrograde, think linear, straight lines and always moving on) so this week’s conjunction with Uranus is an annual event, but this time coinciding with Mars also making aspects to both the Sun and Uranus.
Hallmarks of Uranus – main principle is change, especially of the sudden or shocking kind, or anything linked to rebellion, anarchy, social advancement, ecology and technology. Uranus rules the collective and groups of all kinds. In mythology Uranus is the sky god and he’s the mover and shaker with all that comes “out of the blue”. He challenges all that Saturn stands for, such as hierarchy and traditional rules. Uranian events are innovative, explosive, sudden, unexpected, erratic or unpredictable. They bear the hallmarks of brilliance, being different, unusual, unconventional or original in some way. It’s progress, even if we don’t recognize it as such at the time.
So the Sun – Uranus alone is lively enough but with the Mars aspects wrapped around it things are definitely getting some extra oomph. There are echoes of Venus’s arrival in Aries, one of the signs ruled by Mars, things are definitely shifting. One of the joys of astrology is that it continually reminds us that nothing stays the same forever, even though there are times when it feels like it.
In terms of pure basics remember that Mars is the god of war, going into action. Fight your battles, kick start your spring energy, make a to-do list, start ticking things off and enlist help wherever you need it. See your friends, join a group, breathe new life into your daily routine, turn off the news and take the dog for a walk. If you haven’t got a dog take the neighbour’s dog for a walk!
Until next week, with love from Greece,