The Astrology Blog 8 May 2023
All times in BST
“Present moment awareness … the people who know how to grab that present moment and maximise it are the people who have chosen a free, effective and fulfilling life. It is a choice each of us can make.”
“A child should never be encouraged to confuse their own self esteem with anyone else’s approval.”
Wayne Dyer, 10 May 1940 – 30 August 2015
Born on a Sun – Uranus conjunction, 19 & 22 Taurus
The Astrology Blog is a weekly teaching blog, including the astrology for the week ahead and analysis of how astrology is showing in the world around us, in world events or in the lives of those in the public eye.
The content of the blog focuses on astrological interpretation and includes commentary on the psychotherapeutic benefits of using astrology as a frame of reference, for the individual and the collective.
If you want to see the visual of the wheel with the sign and degree of the planets in your own or any other natal chart, to check against the signs and degrees important this week as outlined in the blog, here’s the link to Astrotheme.
Enter your data into the boxes provided, and you’ll also find an invaluable databank of thousands of celebrities. You can also store up to 200 charts of your own:
Fancy an astrology break next week? There are two events to choose from, one here on Lefkada and another happening in the beautiful area of Tuscany –
17 – 24 MAY
- 3 of 10 places available
- Cheapest return flights atm from Bristol to Preveza (PVK) – £110.00
- Transfers and accommodation organised by me, all you have to do is book your flight 🙂
- Reply to this newsletter for more info or WhatsApp 00306976296085
- You won’t find Summer School info on my website atm as we’re making changes but for more details of the course content here’s the link to Chris’ website –
These rooms are exclusively for students attending Chris’ week, set in private gardens and leading directly onto the beach, it’s a truly idyllic setting. All rooms are single person occupancy, own balcony, ensuite shower rooms, fridge and kettle. They are 60 Euros a night including use of the aircon. Some of these studios are also available for other course weeks, info on request.
There are plenty of rooms to choose from and 2 still available with sea views, here’s one of them to give you the picture!
Astrologer Faye Blake is running a week in Tuscany from 14 – 21 May and would love to have a few more people attending. Faye writes –
We can’t do anything about the cost of the (very reasonable) food and accommodation costs, and you have to find the best travel options yourself, but MAKE US AN OFFER WE CAN’T REFUSE for the actual workshop days! Send me a mail at if you are interested in finding out more.
You’ll also find more info and videos on these links – – here you can also see the place and what is nearby
Here’s your “at a glance” look for the coming week, starting with the annual Sun – Uranus conjunction and ending with Mercury teaming up with Venus and Saturn just before turning direct –
Tuesday 9 May
- Sun conjunct Uranus 19 Taurus 20.56
Friday 12 May
- Mercury 6 Taurus sextile Saturn 6 Pisces 09.43
Saturday 13 May
- Mercury 6 Taurus sextile Venus 6 Cancer 03.48
- Venus 6 Cancer trine Saturn 5 Pisces 07.58
Monday 15 May
- Mercury turns direct at 5.52 Taurus 04.18
The Sun catches up with all of the other planets once a year (never repeats anything as the Sun is never retrograde, think linear, straight lines and always moving on) so this week’s conjunction with slow moving Uranus (cycle of 84 years) is an annual event. Last year it fell 5 May with both at 14 Taurus, next year 9 May again with both at 18 Taurus. If you have planets or Angles at or very close to these degrees you can expect Uranian symbolism to show in your own life events.
Hallmarks of Uranus – main principle is change, especially of the sudden or shocking kind, or anything linked to rebellion, anarchy, social advancement, ecology and technology. Uranus rules the collective and groups of all kinds. In mythology Uranus is the sky god and he’s the mover and shaker with all that comes “out of the blue”.
In the natural order Uranus comes after Saturn and challenges all that Saturn stands for, such as hierarchy and traditional rules. Uranian events are innovative, explosive, sudden, unexpected, erratic or unpredictable. They bear the hallmarks of brilliance, being different, unusual, unconventional or original in some way, so anything New Age. It’s progress, even if we don’t recognize it as such at the time.
For brilliance look no further than Wayne Dyer who would have had a birthday this week. He was born on a Sun – Uranus conjunction in Taurus and broke a lot of moulds. Nearly every sentence in his books is a quote in itself, well worth adding any of his titles to your bookshelves if you don’t already have one. The quotes above are taken from Your Erroneous Zones which is all about escaping negative thinking.
Back to this current Sun – Uranus, as any aspect (a relationship between two planets) is forming it is said to be “applying” and gets more powerful the closer it gets to the moment of exactitude. Past that moment the aspect is then said to be “separating” and gets weaker the further the two bodies drift apart.
Regardless of whether or not you’re a monarchist, in terms of group events out in the world the obvious current showing for this Sun – Uranus is the fact that it was the major applying aspect for the Coronation, a modernized version of an ancient ceremony watched by a collective of 18 million people and bringing together groups throughout an enormous number of communities, for the event and for the partying afterwards.
The implications are further reaching, as the horoscope for the moment of Charles being crowned becomes the horoscope for his reign. Fundamental changes in the institution of the monarchy have already been showing for a while but with this event also happening under a retrograde Mercury in Taurus (a Venus sign that rules money) the message was underlined (eg only working royals on the balcony, no hangers on in terms of lists of royal relatives). The old order changeth.
Retrograde Mercury also described the event for Harry I think, attending without his wife and on his son’s birthday, sliding in quietly and out even less conspicuously. Nostalgia too (thinking back) for Harry and William, as well as countless others, for Diana. Interestingly the retrograde Mercury on the day was exactly conjunct Diana’s natal Neptune. I’m just glad that William didn’t have to swear allegiance to Camilla as well as his father!
Any planet, not just Mercury which is the one most frequently noted, conjunct the Sun to within 17 minutes of arc (ie just over a quarter of a degree) is said to be “cazimi” – defined as being in “the heart of the Sun”. The symbolism of this is about the other planet drawing strength from that heat instead of being burned up by it.
The Sun – Uranus cazimi lasts from approximately 14.00 tomorrow 9 May to approximately 4am the following morning 10 May. Adjust to your own time zone – eg Greece 16.00 tomorrow through to 6.00am the following morning. It’s a window of intense activity, a hot spot in which we can expect to see the Uranian themes even more sharply defined. There may be surprising or shocking news in world events.
Pay close attention to whatever comes to light for you as this will point the way forwards or reveal the full nature of a life event, concerns or challenges, or anything that could change your life in a significant way. With regard to relationships remember that Uranus is the divorce planet so for those already on the road to separation this could be the tipping point. Conversely, it can also be the moment when you go from single to coupled.
So Mercury will turn direct in the early hours of next Monday morning at 5.52 Taurus, in other words just under 6 degrees of that sign. By the end of the week Mercury will have reached 6 degrees and will therefore be “stationing”, appearing to be “stuck” at that degree, at a standstill in the heavens as he ends the backwards loop.
This would be important anyway, the symbolism of reaching turning points, but on this occasion the moment is underlined by the alignment of Mercury with two other planets both at 6 degrees of their respective signs –
Friday 12 May
- Mercury 6 Taurus sextile Saturn 6 Pisces 09.43
Saturday 13 May
- Mercury 6 Taurus sextile Venus 6 Cancer 03.48
- Venus 6 Cancer trine Saturn 5 Pisces 07.58
The Mercury – Saturn alignment is arguably the most important moment as it’s the middle one of three, with the third and final one to come next week, just 4 days after Mercury turning direct, so that stationing degree also repeats –
- 5 April – 3 degrees Taurus/Pisces
- 12 May – 6 degrees Taurus/Pisces
- 19 May – 6 degrees Taurus/Pisces
This is the stuff of closure, everything from getting information and answers to making final decisions, especially with issues that have been ongoing during this timeline. An obvious example in the life of someone close to me is writing an important letter (Mercury) to the authorities (Saturn) about the shocking treatment of her special needs daughter (Venus) at a new school.
Events don’t have to be as heavy as that one but Saturn throws in a serious note that can show in all kinds of ways depending on the context of the matter in question, such as commitment in a relationship, putting financial issues in order or putting your plans to reality test. Venus rules both love and money. While she’s in Cancer also look out for themes relating to family, home and property.
Generally look out for important conversations, especially if you need to set the record straight after any misunderstandings in the recent or further back past. This is all paving the way to Mercury turning direct again which in itself is synonymous with “the truth outs” and moving on, and I’ll be talking more about this theme next time.
Next week is huge in all kinds of ways, not just Mercury turning direct and making the final alignment with Saturn but also Jupiter changing sign, an event which happens only once every 12 months. We’ll also have the Sun and Mars changing sign and the Taurus New Moon so lots of “moving forwards”. One of the joys of astrology is that it continually reminds us that nothing stays the same forever, even though there are times when it feels like it.
Until then take care during this last week of Mercury wearing his trickster’s hat! Here’s a reminder of the kind of things to look out for,
With love from Greece
Regardless of what is going on in the world, here’s a reminder of the usual checklist of the kind of themes to look out for when Mercury is retrograde, compiled from my own observations over the years.
You may already be experiencing some of these themes while others or similar may yet unfold during this coming week –
- Be cautious or at least selective in your use of social media. Avoid posting anything too personal or getting involved in any kind of angry debates. Also check privacy settings
- Guard against trying to construct situations or distressing yourself with regard to anything beyond your control. Forcing any kind of round pegs into square holes won’t be worth the effort and could cost you dearly
- Try not to struggle on with things that are clearly beyond your area of expertise. You can’t be good at everything! Ask for help
- Adopt the mantra of one day at a time … going too far ahead creates anxiety, especially with problems which have no clear or immediate answers
- Know that there are things you don’t know – yet
- Try to operate by “re” words – review, revise, research, reappraise, rethink, repair, redress the balance and so on. Also remember rest and relaxation, give the brain some time off and try not to put yourself under unnecessary pressure
- Expect cancellations or rescheduling of appointments or personal arrangements
- Buy yourself time wherever needed – keep options open
- When in doubt, check it out – second hand opinions are a dead cert for getting hold of the wrong end of the stick – and don’t believe everything you hear
- Write things down and double check everything – forgetfulness, being distracted, inattention etc can be a troublesome theme
- Back up all your computer work
- Don’t delete any documents – you may need them at a later date
- Getting back to ideas on the back burner
- Getting back in touch with those who’ve been neglected or important to you in the past – let them know how much they matter
- Keep a close watch on all belongings – especially keys or anything linked to communication such as phones, laptops, tablets, cameras etc and don’t even think about buying new ones for the time being
- The same for cars – it’s best to avoid buying any mode of transport under a retro Mercury BUT it’s the ideal time for doing all the hunting and research
- Plan any journey with extra care, don’t trust to luck or to fine timing, and make sure tickets are covered on your insurance
- Kill your speed when driving – allow extra time for getting there slowly but safely
- Take extra care with form filling/signing on dotted lines – paperwork and admin of all kinds are a minefield
- Decide to ease the pain or cool the resentment. Write the letter you can’t send or you’ll never send – whether it’s to someone you’ve lost or to someone you want to strangle it’s great therapy
- Turning this the other way around you can also write a letter to yourself from someone you’ve lost – which is even greater therapy. I’ve done this in the past, from my twin Sue, and it was unbelievably powerful
- Stop trying to fix others – just focus on yourself. Changes starts with us, and within us, from the inside out, not the other way around
- Assume nothing. No matter how certain a situation might seem there is a good chance that it will morph into something else over the next couple of weeks – the “x” factor is at work …
- Reserve the right to change your mind/keep an open mind. As you start to see something from a different angle the truth, reality or logistics will evolve in a way that you couldn’t possibly have planned or expected