The Astrology Blog 4 April 2022
All times in BST
“Oh mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life?”
Dixie Chicks, Landslide
“The world is a patient, hatred is the illness, kindness is the remedy, and love is the physician.
Humanity is a patient, war is the illness, unity is the remedy, and peace is the physician.
Mankind is a patient, violence is the illness, compassion is the remedy, and goodness is the physician.
World Peace by Matshona Dhliwayo – Zimbabwean-born and Canadian-based Philosopher, Entrepreneur and Author
Regular readers know that I offer “Mercury turning direct” readings during the week that Mercury turns and throughout the following couple of weeks, up until Mercury comes “out of shadow”, ie returns to the degree at which he originally turned retrograde. This isn’t going to be possible next time around as Mercury will turn direct 3 June, in the middle of the first Summer School courses.
So instead I’ll do the readings in the few weeks prior to Mercury turning retrograde (10 May at 4 Gemini) which means starting the week from Tuesday 12 April. There are 12 of 15 slots available and you can choose from –
- Astrology – 45 mins/£75.00 – looking at where Mercury will turn retrograde in your chart and how that fits in with the other astrological activity happening for you now and over the next 6 months
- Tarot & Astrology 1 hour/£95 – looking at your general situation and answering specific questions with tarot spreads, and how the cards reflect the astrology currently unfolding in your own chart
I’ll include a look at the huge Jupiter – Neptune conjunction too so that you can see to what extent this major event is relevant for you.
Here’s your “at a glance” rundown of the main features of this week, and the beginning of next as you’ll see that both Mercury and Jupiter are key players, Mercury heading for a change of sign and Jupiter on the home stretch to the rare conjunction with Neptune –
Tuesday 5 April
- Mars conjunct Saturn 22 Aquarius 02.53
- Venus ingress Pisces 16.19
Wednesday 6 April
- Jupiter 22 Pisces semi-sextile Saturn 22 Aquarius 04.25
Thursday 7 April
- Mercury 22 Aries sextile Saturn 22 Aquarius 13.39
Friday 8 April
- Mercury 25 Aries sextile Mars 25 Aquarius 19.20
Sunday 10 April
- Mercury 28 Aries square Pluto 28 Capricorn 09.45
Monday 11 April
- Mercury ingress Taurus 03.11
Tuesday 12 April
- Jupiter conjunct Neptune 23 Pisces 15.46
I’ll just start by saying that Mercury as the planet of communication is obviously hugely important in terms of news but, every now and then, when the world starts to feel too heartbreaking and overwhelming, I take a “news moratorium”. This is about taking a breather from being fully (overly?) informed on the basis that if there’s anything you really need to know you can rest assured that someone will tell you. Last week was one of these times for me so you’ll find very little reference to current news items this week.
THE MARS – SATURN CONJUNCTION – once every two years
More on Mercury to come but by far the most important aspect of the week is the first one on the list, the coming together of Mars and Saturn. In terms of traditional astrology this is a tough one as these planets are known respectively as the Lesser and the Greater Malefic, and it’s easy to see why when you consider their key symbolism –
- Mars is masculine and rules men, pursuit, lust and libido. He’s the god of war and symbolizes everything to do with how we go into battle, and how we handle the cut and thrust of life. In terms of action our Mars sign is how we “do” things. Psychologically he symbolizes heated emotions and he rules anger, passion and pain.
And to repeat from last week, when we had the Venus – Saturn conjunction (once a year) –
- Saturn – known as the Greater Malefic and Lord of Time, the bringer of solemnity, restriction, frustration, obstacles, boundaries, health issues, limitations and endings, ultimately death and bereavement. Strong natal Saturn aspects can also however indicate longevity (eg the Queen). He rules authority, career, duty and responsibility. His nature is pessimistic, realistic and serious, often fearful, but he’s also associated with results that come through being effortful, hardworking, constructive and committed.
I would add that in my experience Saturnian events are often the things that depress us, such as matters that are dumped on us, our most fervent desires being denied us or facing the things that we cannot change. Given that Mars is action and Saturn is about slowing things down then you can see what a mismatch this is. Think speed bumps.
Is there anything good about this combination? I’m doing my best to be objective here but it’s true that some people fare better under Saturn than others. If you’re a strong Jupiter type as I am then, basically, it’s hard to get cheerful on the subject. Here are the conjunctions for the last few years and the next one, you can see that it mostly falls in consecutive signs but Aquarius gets two –
- 24 August 2016 – 9 Sagittarius
- 2 April 2018 – 9 Capricorn
- 31 March 2020 – 0 Aquarius
- 5 April 2022 – 22 Aquarius
- 10 April 2024 – 14 Pisces
Going back three cycles the Mars – Saturn conjunction at 9 Sagittarius (conjunct my Sun) was frankly the worst time of my life with not one but four separate family tragedies all ongoing at the same time. It was totally impossible to continue with normal life and in fact that August was the last blog for two years. When I picked it up again it was under Jupiter auspices, who turned direct in the middle of “I regenerate” Scorpio in July 2018.
As I said I haven’t been reading the news this last week but I did check the headlines this morning. Mars as the war god coming up against Saturn feels to me like a significant milestone in the Ukraine crisis and Zelensky is now accusing Russia of genocide. What else can you call the indiscriminate killing of citizens?
The only news that I heard by accident last week, when I’d left the tv on – something I hardly ever do, I loathe the tv droning on in the background – was Zelensky reporting a withdrawal of Russian troops but that it was temporary, they’d be back and they’d left minefields behind them. Not so much speed bumps then as total roadblocks and deathtraps. The end of normal life for thousands of innocent people goes on.
Back to “normal” life, I really like Jamie Partridge’s write up on the planetary combinations –
He always includes the horoscopes of those who natally have the combination in question, and he notes how close the aspect is. In other words, using this example, if you have a Mars – Saturn conjunction that’s 8 degrees apart then it still counts but it’s at full stretch. If you have them slap bang next to each other then the conjunction assumes huge significance.
He includes these two examples, I’ve added the birth data and degree of the conjunction –
David Lynch (0°01′) is an American filmmaker known for his violent and disturbing style termed “Lynchian”. Mars creativity combined with Saturn darkness is shown in Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Dune and Twin Peaks. (20 January 1946, Mars & Saturn at 20 Cancer)
Dolly Parton (0°06′) shows the steady and determined creativity of this aspect. A prolific musician with countless hits and many arduous tours under her belt, a sustained effort over a lifetime. (born one day earlier, 19 January 1946, so again Mars & Saturn at 20 Cancer)
It just goes to show that these tough natal aspects don’t deny success. I don’t know anything about David Lynch but I remember reading about Dolly Parton properly for the first time last year and, as ever, being struck by the story behind the fame. She’s a phenomenal businesswoman (a Capricorn strength) but also, as ever, these major aspects are rarely – never? – about one thing. This is especially obvious when we ask not just what is this planet, but who is this planet?
The longevity of her marriage is also clearly indicated in this Mars – Saturn union in family orientated/stay at home Cancer having been married for nearly 56 years to Carl Dean who never appears publicly with her, and who is now tragically a victim of Alzheimer’s. He was born 20 July 1942 so in fact he is a Cancer by Sun sign (Dolly’s opposite) and with Mercury and Jupiter also in this sign.
Other clear Mars – Saturn in Cancer symbolism is the fact that Dolly came from extremely humble beginnings (Mars in fall, Saturn in detriment), being one of 12 children and born in a one room cabin. She and her husband raised four of her siblings. She was unable to have her own children as she suffered from endometriosis which resulted in a hysterectomy (in the physical body Cancer rules the womb).
This is a really good example of why the serious astrology student should study celebrities or anyone well known to you. By your horoscopes you’ll be taught!
So back to now, if I had to sum up the Mars – Saturn as the lead story for this week’s celestial news at a general level I would say don’t try to force anything, especially if you have natal planets or Angles at or close to 22 Aquarius or the opposite sign of Leo, or in either of the other two Fixed signs of Taurus/Scorpio. But steady, list ticking (find me an Aquarian who isn’t a list maker) work would appear to be the way forwards.
Don’t waste your energy on the things that you can’t change or which are simply best left well alone. The words head and brick wall come to mind! Mercury playing into this conjunction as the week goes on definitely feels like the most potentially helpful way of getting to grips with this double trouble duo and may even reveal some benefits. Or maybe that’s just me trying to be optimistic – we’ll see!
For me this conjunction is squaring my Scorpio – Taurus Asc/Desc axis to within half a degree and has definitely shown in terms of deciding, reluctantly, not to travel. I haven’t seen what’s left of my family for two years but I’d be London based where, am told, Covid is just about everywhere and have decided that am much safer where I am. So I’ll be putting my energy into readings, doing the garden and generally getting the place ready for Summer School.
The closer that Mercury gets to a turning retrograde point the slower he gets but the next one is still five weeks off. So at the moment Mercury is at full speed, whizzing along at the rate of approximately 2 degrees a day –
Thursday 7 April
- Mercury 22 Aries sextile Saturn 22 Aquarius 13.39
Friday 8 April
- Mercury 25 Aries sextile Mars 25 Aquarius 19.20
Sunday 10 April
- Mercury 28 Aries square Pluto 28 Capricorn 09.45
Monday 11 April
- Mercury ingress Taurus 03.11
Add in the fact that this journey is in Aries, first sign of the zodiac and the sign of Cardinal Fire – favouring things like directness, immediacy, decisions that are healthy for your own needs, fresh starts of any kind – then this is a top week for identifying the area in your life that is a) not stuck or b) possibly the best way of harnessing the nature of Mars – Saturn. Where can you initiate, where do you need to draw lines to stop your energy from being drained, how can you put that energy into the things that really matter to you?
This also feels like not running with the pack. Don’t feel as if you always have to fit in and remember that you really can’t please all of the people all of the time. The irony wrapped up in the sign of Aquarius is that it rules the collective yet is about differentness and originality. But be realistic about your time, map things out, make a plan and get your priorities straight.
Note that the events that unfold at the beginning of the week may bring things that seem insurmountable BUT that the Mercury aspects in the second half of the week are likely to yield troubleshooting answers and insights. Patience. Mercury moving on into earthy Taurus opens a new and steadier chapter
Mercury’s final aspect is the square (friction) to Pluto (endings) so something will bite the dust, such as an idea or plan that is just not going to work no matter which way you look at it. Look out generally for the kind of things that we expect when Mercury is retrograde, such as cancellations or losing things, but accept whatever doesn’t swing your way, even if you have to write off a lot of invested time, money or love. Ouch.
The opposite to the Mars – Saturn are these two planets, Venus the Lesser Benefic and Jupiter the Greater Benefic. They benefit us. Jupiter is already travelling through one of his own signs (in dignity) and Venus also now arrives in Pisces (her sign of exaltation) –
Tuesday 5 April
- Venus ingress Pisces 16.19
Wednesday 6 April
- Jupiter 22 Pisces semi-sextile Saturn 22 Aquarius 04.25
Tuesday 12 April
- Jupiter conjunct Neptune 23 Pisces 15.46
Venus has some lovely aspects to come but not immediately – the sextile to Mercury in Taurus (a Venus sign) 18 April, and more importantly the annual conjunction with Jupiter that will fall on 30 April at 27 Pisces.
All the personal planets have signs in which they are “exalted” and in turn each one has a degree of exaltation. Venus’ is 27 – in other words, Venus at 27 Pisces is her strongest possible position. Here’s the full list –
- Sun 19 Aries
- Moon 3 Taurus
- Mercury 15 Virgo
- Venus 27 Pisces
- Mars 28 Capricorn
- Jupiter 15 Cancer
- Saturn 21 Libra
Venus will of course make the annual conjunction with Neptune too, which will be 27 April at 24 Pisces, as by then Jupiter will be ahead of Neptune. But this week is all about the big build up to this huge conjunction, with Jupiter picking up a minor and one-off aspect to Saturn along the way.
The big question in astrology, about anything, is “what does that mean?” The big answer is – we don’t know! Astrology needs context but, when you see the astrology playing out, it’s unmistakable because it carries the hallmarks of the relevant symbolism.
For example, whenever Jupiter is involved you can use the word “big”. Neptune (Poseidon) is god of the seas. The headline that jumped out this morning was –
Sydney’s Bondi Beach has been engulfed by massive (Jupiter) tides (Neptune) after two intense weather systems lashed Australia’s east coast. Locals were stunned by the rare (conjunction once every 13 years) sight of waves spilling on to a promenade –
So there’s the Jupiter – Neptune already coming to life, BUT that doesn’t mean that all the events to come will be about huge amounts of water. It also doesn’t mean that there might not be more stories about huge amounts of water. Flooding, tidal waves and anything to do with global warming are definitely themes that we’d expect to show around this time.
Symbolically this conjunction speaks mostly of our emotional world as water is the element of the feelings. Everything from grief and floods of tears to huge romance for those falling in love right now. Neptune is the urge to merge as well as super sensitizing. Also look out for the archetypes of the Rescuer, the Martyr or the Victim, clock if you’re playing either of those roles or if anyone else close to you is. Think very carefully about what you might be giving up at the moment too, such as sacrificing personal wishes or dreams to keep the peace. Recipes for resentment need to come off the menu. But Big Dreams get a huge tick.
What other information can help us? Jupiter is the main ruler of Pisces, Neptune is the co-ruler, and in the natural sequence of things they belong to the 12th House, the last and most complex of the houses, being traditionally the Vale of Tears. Planets in the 12th can signify those lost to us or can indicate how we’ve been shaped by experiences of sadness or suffering.
Places of confinement belong to the 12th, everything from voluntary retreats to hospitals. Humanitarian aid for countries in crisis, obviously especially Ukraine at the moment, is also an issue that we can expect to see escalating now and in the coming weeks.
In your own horoscope look at where the Jupiter – Neptune conjunction is falling, by house and also by aspect to your other planets or Angles. Also consider the houses ruled by these planets – ie which of your houses have Sagittarius (Jupiter’s masculine sign) and Pisces on the cusps? This can indicate “who” are the planets and this is one of the things I’ll be looking at with those doing readings with me over the next few weeks.
I’ll end by saying please try not to worry too much. This Jupiter – Neptune is stunning for creativity and compassion but can also tip into being over imaginative or at worst paranoid, or can relate to feeling swamped by uncertainty or insecurity. Stay grounded, plant something, walk in the park or get out to the countryside, get your hands dirty with gardening or cooking, spring clean your house, get your finances sorted out. Mercury heading into Taurus will help us with all of these things.
And remember that you don’t have to DO anything to make your astrology happen. It will happen anyway, in spite of you! If this weren’t true then the astrologer wouldn’t be able to “retrodict” – look at past events, the things that have already happened. Or as one of my Scottish friends says, and she’s not an astrologer, “If it’s for you, it won’t go past you.”
Until next week, with love from Greece
Here’s the full version of the poem World Peace – by Matshona Dhliwayo
“The world is a patient, hatred is the illness, kindness is the remedy, and love is the physician.
Humanity is a patient, war is the illness, unity is the remedy, and peace is the physician.
Mankind is a patient, violence is the illness, compassion is the remedy, and goodness is the physician.
The world is a patient, poverty is the illness, equality is the remedy, and prosperity is the physician.
Mankind is a patient, corruption is the illness, justice is the remedy, integrity is the physician.
Humanity is a patient, greed is the illness, charity is the remedy, and contentment is the physician.
The world is a patient, prejudice is the illness, tolerance is the remedy, and acceptance is the physician.
Mankind is a patient, ignorance is the illness, knowledge is the remedy, and education is the physician.
Humanity is a patient, tyranny is the illness, freedom is the remedy, and democracy is the physician.”