The Astrology Blog 2 December 2019
New Workshops for February
Hampstead, London
Scroll down past the blog for full details. But here are the two dates for your diary –
Valentine’s Venus & Mars – The Astrology of Relationships
- Thursday 13 February
- 30am to 5.30pm
Secrets from my 25 years of Tarot
- Saturday 15 February
- 30am to 5.30pm
£65.00 – or £55.00 Early Bird Bookings by Saturday 18 January 2020
” Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.”
– Hermann Hesse
Born July 2, 1877, his works explored an individual’s search for authenticity, self-knowledge and spirituality. In 1946, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature
As a Sagittarian (birthday today!) with itchy feet the New Moon in Sag brought a flurry of activity in terms of travel and plans for the New Year. New Moons are all about getting new things rolling, and Sag rules the future, learning and all things foreign. Elisabeth Brooke and I got our heads together and decided on workshop subjects and dates for February, and it all came together very quickly and easily.
The reason for these extra dates is that I’m going to see friends in the Canary Islands at the end of Jan, something I’ve been intending to do for years, and the easiest way for me to get there turned out to be to come back to London first. Getting in and out of Lefkas out of season is a nightmare as our airport shuts for six months! But the workshop venue and plane tickets were all booked last Thursday, coinciding with the last Moon – Jupiter conjunction in Sag, and Venus trine Uranus (groups). And the friend I’m going to stay with in Lanzarote is an Aquarian. It’s noticeable how often aspects to Uranus will invoke Aquarian friends, or Saturn Capricorn friends, Pluto Scorpio friends – and so on. Watch how this works out in your own life.
Mercury is also bringing things full circle – finally. Mercury at full speed can whizz through a sign in two to three weeks, but owing to the recent retrograde period of three weeks, Mercury has now been in Scorpio for two months which was interesting to begin with but has recently become, um, a bit boring, intense, stuck, Scorpio being the sign of Fixed Water. The language planet can’t exactly chatter in this sign – that’s why he belongs to Gemini! – and certain matters either get frozen over or disappear into the unfathomable depths of stagnant ponds. Here’s the tortuous journey –
- entered Scorpio on 3 October
- turned retrograde at 27 Scorpio on 31 October
- turned direct at 11 Scorpio on 20 November
The third and final Mercury aspect to Saturn was on Saturday and the third and final aspect to Pluto is exact in the early hours of tomorrow –
Tuesday 3 December
- Mercury 21 Scorpio sextile Pluto 21 Capricorn 05.21
Saturday 7 December
- Mercury reaches 27 Scorpio, the degree at which he turned retrograde, and moves “out of shadow” (shakes the retrograde dust off his heels!)
Monday 9 December
- Mercury ingress Sagittarius 09.43
This aspect to Pluto is even more of a finale than the Saturn aspect. This is because it’s Mercury’s last aspect before changing sign – and therefore the end of this long two month cycle – the last aspect before Mercury moves “out of shadow” (ie out of the retrograde zone) and also because Pluto himself symbolizes endings, usually in the shape of change of the deepest and most irrevocable kind. Textbooks just love the word “transformation” for this planet but I always teach my students to use this word sparingly, if at all.
Pluto is like the Death card in the Tarot. At a simple level this is about endings or wrapping things up, but for bigger life events the changes involved are of the “death and rebirth” variety. In other words, it’s a wipeout job, we have to endure and not avoid the pain of something coming to an end first, we have to stare at the slammed shut door before we see the open window. This is often more of a “transformative process” rather than any kind of magic wand. In my view Pluto is not be glamourised. One of his symbols is not the Phoenix for nothing. Plutonic experiences are a purging, a rebirth from the ashes. The positive side to Pluto stuff is that when we do let go of anything stagnant, destructive or just wrong for us we then wonder what took us so long.
Here’s a reminder of the full Mercury – Pluto sequence dates –
- Mercury 21 Scorpio sextile Pluto 21 Capricorn – 19 October
- Mercury 21 Scorpio sextile Pluto 21 Capricorn – 10 November
- Mercury 21 Scorpio sextile Pluto 21 Capricorn – 3 December
Just going back to the Mercury – Saturn for a moment, for my daily astrology posts on Instagram I wrote for the weekend –
“Mercury – Saturn is great for a plan coming together. But it’s also decision time and wakeup calls. What won’t work or who will never change? Losing your energy or self respect? Redirect your time into the commitments that are right for you, then feel and see the difference.”
These daily posts are “takes” on the astrology of the moment. Interpretations are what an aspect might mean, not what it will definitely mean. This is how astrology works, and the tarot too. Like dreams, another symbolic language, the imagery has to be interpreted within the context of an individual’s life and situation. This is why “cookbook” astrology or dream books don’t work. One size doesn’t fit all. But when you’re familiar with the symbolism belonging to each planet their messages become clear, in your own life and in the lives of others. Just as when you interpret your dreams, you might mull over some ideas first, but when you arrive at the right “take” it’s unmistakable and smacks you between the eyes.
This weekend in the news, John Barrowman has had to cancel Christmas shows owing to a severe neck injury. Looking at his chart he has Mars at 3.08 Scorpio in the 3rd House. Transiting Uranus is currently at 3 Taurus and is therefore opposing his Mars, and in turn Mars – Uranus combinations are classic for accidents and Taurus rules the neck and throat. If you want to test that out ask your Taurean friends about their health history of tonsillitis, sore throats, swollen glands etc. Many Taureans have wonderful voices – spoken and singing. Some of John Barrowman’s show dates have been rescheduled for slightly later in the month but with this major transit (once in a lifetime) I would say that he’s out of the game for now, poor man.
So, the final Mercury – Pluto combination is a lot more weighty than usual, for the reasons explained above, and basically this all adds up to closure. This can be anything from making a life changing decision or being affected by other people’s news or decisions, to finding the final answers to any long running issue and getting it sorted, once and for all. For some it will be a major ending, such as a relationship or a job, leading to reinvention. Pluto stuff is about starting again from scratch and rebuilding. Reinvention will also work for less dramatic issues. If you’ve tried doing something every which way you can think of you’ll now realize that you’ll have to take a completely different approach. For one client, a Scorpio, Mercury’s finale has brought her to the point where she’s been forced to accept that it’s impossible to keep her ex as a friend. Everything she’s tried has been interpreted as interference or worse. My own view was that this moment of acceptance would be the thing that really moves her on.
As a general take on Mercury’s final activity in Scorpio, the aspect to Pluto and moving out of shadow, I would apply the “don’t try to fix it” rule to everything! If you’ve been obsessive about something or someone now’s the time to let go. This takes the pressure off yourself and another person. Also answers are now likely to find you rather than the other way around as Mercury will move out of Scorpio and into big thinking Sagittarius first thing next Monday morning. Mercury will be travelling through this sign until 29 December so I’ll be talking more about this combination over the next three weeks.
Monday 2 December
Jupiter ingress Capricorn 18.21
Jupiter has a 12 year cycle and with 12 signs of the zodiac this is obvious maths, Mr Big spends a year travelling through each sign. So the last time that Jupiter entered Capricorn was December 2007 and you might like to think back to what you were doing then and throughout the following twelve months. Look at your own chart to see where 0 degrees of Capricorn lies for further clues.
In terms of traditional astrology this isn’t an easy combination as Jupiter is said to be exalted (best placing) in Cancer and is therefore in “fall” in Capricorn (least compatible sign for this planet). This makes sense when you consider that Capricorn belongs to Saturn, and Jupiter and Saturn symbolize opposing principles –
Jupiter – main principle is expansion, anything that makes our life bigger and better, known as the Greater Benefic, he brings the things or the people into our lives that are good for us. Planet of opportunity, luck, liberation, good fortune, abundance, generosity both giving and receiving, learning, publishing, truth and justice/all legal concerns. Long distance travel, foreigners, and matters or people related to overseas.
Saturn – main principle is contraction – the opposite to Jupiter’s expansion. If Jupiter is “yes”, Saturn is “no”. He is known as the Greater Malefic, the bringer of solemnity, restriction, obstacles, boundaries and endings, ultimately death. He rules authority, career, duty and responsibility. His nature is pessimistic, realistic and serious, but results come through being hardworking, constructive and committed.
The natal placing of Jupiter in Capricorn can often indicate a tough start in life, through hardship or strict parenting. From Be Your Own Astrologer –
Capricorn belongs to Saturn, who symbolizes the opposite principles to Jupiter. This combination is therefore full of conflict and can speak of the struggle between pleasure vs duty, freedom vs discipline or the “for your own good” type of miserable upbringing. At worst this is a blinkered nature that brooks no disobedience or differentness. At best this is the work horse, the ambitious individual who fights against all the odds, such as Charlie Chaplin whose childhood was blighted by hardship and the workhouse.
So, just because Jupiter is in fall in this sign doesn’t mean that nothing can be achieved. Quite the opposite. But look out for themes that involve curtailing some of Jupiter’s happier gifts, such as freedom and long lie ins. But would you rather be tired or broke? Capricorn loves a project, and Jupiter does everything on a BIG scale, so if you want to get empire building and make a name for yourself now’s your chance to get started! You might have to sacrifice your free time to do it but if you have a vision now’s the time to make it real. There’s a kind of “good tired” when it comes from achieving, and what’s a year of hard work in the grand scheme of things? This is Mark Zuckerberg’s and Walt Disney’s natal Jupiter, two household names who’ve built international (Jupiter) empires (Saturn) through their own determination, creative talents and vision.
Let’s remember that no matter what sign Jupiter is in he’s still the Greater Benefic – and the bringer of benefits! Feel happy for the Capricorns in your life – or those with important Capricorn placings such as the Moon or Ascendant – as they’ve endured so much over the last few years with the double whammy of Saturn and Pluto both travelling through this sign. It’s as if Jupiter is stepping in now to start a clear up job and make up for it.
Jupiter’s change of sign is followed 12 hours later by the Mercury – Pluto aspect, and less than 24 hours later by the lovely alignment between Venus and Mars as they both reach 9 degrees, exactly two signs apart. Venus then also aligns with Neptune (Mars being slower moving will catch up and link with Neptune at the end of next week) –
Tuesday 3 December
- Venus 9 Capricorn sextile Mars 9 Scorpio 15.48
Sunday 8 December
- Sun 16 Sagittarius square Neptune 16 Pisces 09.02
- Venus 16 Capricorn sextile Neptune 16 Pisces 21.50
This is a very sturdy Venus – Mars combination. There’s plenty of earthy passion in the mix but yet again there’s the Capricorn message of true satisfaction lying in effort, the willingness to take on the serious job of loving and partnership. Don’t be afraid to work at your relationship. If you have grievances or if you want a better sex life now’s the time to make your wishes and feelings known, not in a demanding “you must satisfy me” way, but in a way that is respectful, authentic and acknowledging of the fact that every relationship is always work in progress. If you need “us time” or just time to talk about your lives then the beginning of the week is ideal for creating some space.
New relationships started at this time are looking good. If you’re in the “I never meet anyone” club then this could also change and quickly. Whenever a client says to me that they can’t imagine being with anyone new I always say, well that’s because you haven’t met him/her yet. But as we enter the festive season there are plenty of romantic opportunities in the making. Say yes to invites, get involved, organize your own friends to boost your social life if that’s what is needed.
The only difficult aspect for this week is the Sun square Neptune on Sunday morning. Watch your alcohol consumption on Sat night! This is a classic for drowning sorrows, a hangover, poor sleep, anxiety or just generally feeling adrift. This too shall pass. If astrology teaches us anything, it’s that life is always moving on.
Until next week,
With love from Greece
NEW – Workshops for Februrary
4th & 5th April – Save the dates, schedule to be announced
Venue – The Philadelphia Association, Hampstead, London
Valentine’s Venus & Mars – The Astrology of Relationships
with Joanna Watters and Elisabeth Brooke
- Thursday 13 February
- 11.30am to 5.30pm
- £65.00 – or £55.00 Early Bird Bookings by Saturday 18 January 2020
In this workshop we will aim to address the following issues and questions –
- What kind of partner does anyone attract and why?
- What is synastry? What does the comparison of two horoscopes reveal in relation to why you can live easily with one person but not another?
- How can astrology tell you when an attraction is mutual and beneficial, and whether or not two people are compatible?
- How to compare the all important Moon, Venus and Mars signs in terms of emotional natures and needs
- What is a “cosmic marriage” and how do you know if you’re with a true soul mate?
- What are the recognized indications for longevity in marriage?
- How to use astrology to answer all types of relationship questions,
- How to use timing measures to predict dates for meetings, marriages, trouble spots and significant milestones within a relationship
Please have your birth data to hand when booking so that we can draw up your horoscope in advance.
Secrets from my 25 years of Tarot
with Joanna Watters
- Saturday 15 February
- 11.30am to 5.30pm
- £65.00 – or £55.00 Early Bird Bookings by Saturday 18 January 2020
This workshop will focus on card meanings – the more you’re aware of traditional meanings and how to interpret those within individual spreads, the more fluent you are in symbolism and the language of tarot, the more accurate a tarot reader you’ll become. I’ll be sharing with you the knowledge that I’ve built up over the last 25 years, including lots of other little “tricks of the trade”, the kind of info you won’t find in any books and which has been learned through hands on experience.