Sagittarius New Moon, Thinking Big & Jupiter’s Signposts to your Path of Good Fortune (Horoscopes Elizabeth Holmes, Adele)

Jupiter springing back to life brings the things or the people into our lives that are helpful and good for us, including teachers, benefactors or the right partner. Main principles are expansion, anything or anyone that makes our life bigger and better, or liberation, anything or anyone that releases us from old ties or brings us the freedom to live life to the full.

Eclipse Stories, the Scorpio Journey & the Importance of Being Courageous

So the finale for all three planets this week is the harmonious trine to Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, now stationing in readiness for turning direct next Wednesday. This paints a powerful picture of turning tides, everything crossed for Ukraine, and in your own life pay close attention to the things that “come good”, the things that bring results, rewards or revelations. This string of aspects to Jupiter is paving the way to the big turning point that could be a game-changer in a myriad of ways.