Sun in Aries, Moon in Pisces, Mercury Turning Retrograde – Reduced Rates Readings for May & Summer School Updates for June

Mercury’s exact moment of switching to retrograde may be late on Monday evening, but the themes are kicking in now. This turning point also happens slap bang in the middle of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, the implications of which are covered in depth in this week’s blog, going out on Monday as usual. Don’t forget you can now buy single issues of the blog for £1.65 as well as monthly/annual subscription.

New Look Shorter Weekly Blog, New Option to buy “one offs” – Any Week, Any Time

So in keeping with the Spring Equinox, the astrological New Year and that directness and immediacy of Aries, I’ve spent this week deciding on some changes to the weekly blog.  I’ll still be aiming for the “demystifying”, which am told is one of my strengths, but from this week I’ll be relaunching and condensing the info. See this post for the new layout.

Sun in Pisces, Moon in Capricorn, Summer School Update & Preview of Next Week’s Blog

As we go into next week there’ll be no major aspects until next weekend, which is dominated by another triple act. This time it’s not a conjunction (all three in the same sign) but a tight formation between the Sun (in Pisces) Mars (in Aquarius) and Uranus in Taurus all arriving at 19 degrees of their respective signs. I’ll be exploring what this can signify, both at a personal level and out in the world.