The Saturn – Uranus Wrecking Ball, Retrogrades & the Summer Solstice

Why is this backdrop to the year considered to be so difficult? Firstly it’s between two slow moving planets, secondly they’re in Fixed signs (less negotiable), thirdly it’s not a one off confrontation but a three legged event, fourthly the two planets involved stand for opposing principles so it’s a mismatch in lots of different ways and last but not least they’re coming together by square (tension, friction, incompatibility issues).

Diana/Martin Bashir, Latifa & the Crazy Combo of Retrograde Mercury/the Lunar Eclipse

The Astrology Blog 24 May 2021                                          All times in BST              “If you never change your mind – why have one?” “Humour is by far the most significant activity of the human brain.” “The need to be right all the time is the biggest bar to new ideas.”    Edward de Bono – English psychologist,…