Talking tarot

Daring to be Different, Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars & the Art of Listening

So we’re now into the Aquarius time of year as the Sun will travel through this sign for the next four weeks. The square to Uranus midweek rather sets the tone so, in our own lives, there’s definitely a message around progressiveness and daring to be different. You CAN achieve the life that you want if you’re true to you and if you’re not afraid to raise eyebrows, possibly including your own.

Joanna Watters astrology blog

“Meghxit”, Fresh Starts and Jump Leads – & Workshops London Feb

It seems that Harry and Meghan will both have an uphill climb in terms of regaining their popularity and this is an extremely common component of Eclipse symbolism – who rises and who falls, winners and losers, who is empowered and who is disempowered. Triangular situations are at the top of the list – ie we have the three bodies of the Sun, Moon and Earth battling it out – so affairs are super sensitized at these times. Who will end up with whom?