Astrology Karma Destiny

New Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, How to be “Self”ish, Venus and the Immune System

The next Solar aspects won’t happen until 14/15 April when the Sun will square first Pluto and then Jupiter, reawakening the message of that major conjunction. My own feeling is that many countries will be on total lockdown like Greece until at least this date. For now, the New Moon in Aries, sign of the individual, and conjunct Chiron the Wounded Healer, carries an unmistakable message. Your best chance of protecting your own health is to isolate, not to fear being alone but to see it as self care and the best possible thing you can do to protect all the other people you love too.

Greek island astrology from information to meaning

Mercury’s Finale, The Spring Equinox & Saturn’s New Cycle

I was pretty sure that the decision was going to be taken out of my hands anyway but I was curious to see what divination would show. I turned the 9 of Pentacles, which instantly confirmed to me that I was staying put. This card is a picture of the woman who is somewhat isolated from others but safe and contented in her own garden. Spookily accurate. This is the kind of stuff we’ll be looking at in the Tarot “Questions, questions” workshop, now in August.

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The Astrological Picture of Coronavirus, a Neptunian Full Moon, Mercury’s Turning Point and Staying on Track

It’s incredibly quick and easy to get spooked at the moment. Neptunian energy is brilliant at escalating things, to the point where perspective disappears. So it’s worth putting in our own boundaries in this respect too. For example, 9 million people live in London. 26 of them have coronavirus. Or, as one article that I read last week put it, if you’re under 50 and not living in China then you are more likely to win the lottery than you are of getting infected.