Venus – Pluto Conjunction in Aquarius, Venus in Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius & Preview of Next Week’s Blog (Horoscope: Alexei Navalny)

If you’re not already a subscriber to the weekly blog it’s very easy to join the mailing list at any time. It’s recognised as a resource of learning material, which is why I call it the Teaching Blog, and there’s always something each week for you to take away and test out for yourself.

Jupiter turning Direct, Year Ahead in Weekly Blog, Last Call for Jan/Feb appointments & Free Daily Astrology

I’ll be talking more about the Jupiter finale and why this is a sensitive degree in next week’s blog, the first one of the New Year. If you’ve been thinking about subscribing this is a good time to start because I’m going to start 2024 not just with the current astrology but also with an overview of the year ahead. You’ll find all the dates for things like planets turning retrograde or direct, New and Full Moons, and Eclipses.