Insights and news about astrology and tarot
You’ll be glad to know that this is one of the smoothest weeks for a while. This doesn’t mean that it will necessarily be quiet or uneventful. We’re leaving some difficult astrology behind but, again, that doesn’t meant that everyone’s issues get solved overnight. However, what you can look for is a feeling of moving…
The week ahead is one of the most complicated that we’ve had for a while. You may already have read other columns that are making a Big Thing of the Full Moon on Wednesday morning as it falls at 7 degrees of Libra and within a few hours of the Mars – Pluto square at…
Hallelujah the communication planet Mercury went direct last night. At a general level this signals that anything that’s been troublesome over the last three weeks can now get sorted, and in particular look out for: Asking the right questions/getting the right information The truth outs (including trickery, eg the breaking news for anyone with a…
Well, every time Mercury goes retrograde I say it can’t be as bad as the last one. I am going to stop saying that. Last week was horrible, which I attribute to the dominance of Saturn/Pluto too, and I was right about that midpoint possibly setting the tone of things to come in terms of…
How time flies! March horoscopes now up on Network She site, here’s the link: