Insights and news about astrology and tarot

All about Ascendants, Flights for Sept Summer School & a Preview of This Week’s Blog

The Ascendant (or Rising Sign) is not a planet but the sign rising over the eastern horizon at the time of our birth. This crucial angle can be calculated to exactitude only if the time of birth is known, which is why time is so important to an astrologer. Without a birth time it is a little like looking at a clock with no hands. The more accurate the birth time, the more accurate the horoscope.

The Sun – Uranus Conjunction, Messages from a Stationing Mercury & Last Chance for Astrology Retreats Next Week

For brilliance look no further than Wayne Dyer who would have had a birthday this week. He was born on a Sun – Uranus conjunction in Taurus and broke a lot of moulds. Nearly every sentence in his books is a quote in itself, well worth adding any of his titles to your bookshelves if you don’t already have one. The quotes above are taken from Your Erroneous Zones which is all about escaping negative thinking.

Too Much Information, the Sun – Mercury Heart of the Matter & Full Moon in Capricorn (Horoscopes: Boris Johnson, Rafael Nadal, the Queen, Elon Musk)

Info overwhelm is to be avoided – instead look out for that Mercury moment, especially things that shine a light into your understanding, help you to make a decision, negotiate a deal or find the right words to get an important conversation started. Information that surfaces on the cazimi is often invaluable and can make a real difference,