Insights and news about astrology and tarot

Joanna Watters astrology blog

Finding your Footholds and Full Moon High Tides – 20 August 2018

Mercury is now officially back on track and here’s a reminder of my checklist of the kinds of things to expect, now and in the coming couple of weeks:
– Breaking news, expected or unexpected, good or bad, that affects us or someone close to us
– Important information comes to light or secrets are revealed – we have the chance to see things as they really are …

Joanna Watters astrology blog

What is Astrology for and Mercury’s Turning Point – 13 August 2018

In terms of learning lessons, however, retrograde Mercury is often a time of trial and error, when we find out what works and what doesn’t, up to the point when we experience something that makes us resolve, “I won’t be making that mistake again!” This can relate to major life issues and decisions, or just the little things that can make life more stressful than it need be.

Joanna Watters astrology blog

Venus and Love Expectations, Uranus’ Turning Point and the final Eclipse – 6 August 2018

Venus opens the show this week, arriving in one of her own signs in the early hours of Tuesday. This ingress coincides exactly with the Sun squaring up to Jupiter as both events happen at 29 minutes after midnight. Uranus switches direction the same day. With Mars still retrograde, and now back at the beginning of Aquarius, the “love planets” harmonize in these two air signs in the early hours of Wednesday…

Joanna Watters astrology blog

Celestial Traffic Jams – but Jupiter’s in the Driving Seat – 1 August 2018

It’s planetary chaos…
– Mercury turned retrograde at 23 Leo last Thursday 26th – and won’t turn direct again until 19 August
– Venus is in Virgo – her sign of “fall” and also “void of course”, ie has no other aspects to make to the other planets before changing sign next week
– Mars is retrograde in Aquarius, was conjunct the Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius last Friday 27th and is on a collision course with Uranus
– Saturn is retrograde in his own sign of Capricorn until the beginning of September…