Hallelujah the communication planet Mercury went direct last night. At a general level this signals that anything that’s been troublesome over the last three weeks can now get sorted, and in particular look out for:
- Asking the right questions/getting the right information
- The truth outs (including trickery, eg the breaking news for anyone with a Cypriot bank account…)
- Setting the record straight
- Making an important decision/other people’s decisions helping you out
- Good news
- Acts of kindness
Happily I’ve woken up today to find myself on the receiving end of the last two points and, oh yes, Mercury going direct in the water sign of Pisces, the end to plumbing problems! As of this weekend my bathroom is restored to being a bathroom.
Moving on … that is what this week is all about, especially as we have the Spring Equinox on Wednesday, when the Sun moves into Aries at 11.03 GMT. 0 degrees of Aries is the first degree of the zodiac so the equinox is the astrological New Year. So if you want to make new resolutions, go right ahead! Venus also moves into go-getting Aries in the early hours of Friday, and Mars & Uranus conjunct in this sign on Friday evening. Pay close attention to events at the end of the week then as Uranus is the loose cannon and will be playing a major role next week too. Life, having been slow, sad or uncertain, could suddenly – even dramatically – start moving at dizzying speed and along unexpected lines.
My top tip for this week then is not just to go ahead but to get ahead. Now’s the time to get list ticking with all those jobs/intentions you’ve been putting off.
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