Navigating the Mars – Saturn & Jupiter – Neptune Conjunctions, a Full Speed Mercury & Readings

Symbolically the Jupiter – Neptune conjunction speaks mostly of our emotional world. Everything from grief and floods of tears to huge romance for those falling in love right now. Also look out for the archetypes of the Rescuer, the Martyr or the Victim, clock if you’re playing either of those roles or if anyone else close to you is. Think very carefully about what you might be giving up at the moment too, such as sacrificing personal wishes or dreams to keep the peace. Recipes for resentment need to come off the menu. But Big Dreams get a huge tick.

The Love Labours of Venus – Saturn, Chiron/Mercury/New Moon in Aries & Will Smith at the Oscars

I’d normally be waxing lyrical about the Aries New Moon, a kind of extension of the Spring Equinox spring fever, but I think it has to be said that Chiron in the mix is an added complication even though it can swing either way. The Wounded Healer can, for example, bring health issues to light or it can bring the healer…. but Mercury also in this lineup is good news (the Winged Messenger) and worth considering in his own right.

Linking the Natal Chart to Predictive Techniques, Raif Badawi & a Plutonic Full Moon

So symbolically the Spring Equinox is the moment when the Sun enters his sign of “exaltation” (best placing), Aries being the first sign of the zodiac and the official beginning of the astrological New Year. It’s fabulous for individuation – in other words, anything that gets you back to you, anything that reconnects you with your sense of self, a healthy ego state, positive self esteem and a sense of entitlement.

The Sun – Neptune Conjunction, Zelenskyy’s Horoscope & the Uranus Half Return

I have a sense that this week’s Sun – Neptune conjunction will be paving the way to the far more important, imminent Jupiter – Neptune. Unfolding events could be packed with clues and pointers with regards to a personal matter, or to things that will make more sense in a month’s time. If I had to choose one theme as being top of the list it would be reality checking. Don’t believe everything you hear or are told. Check the facts.