Your Survival Guide for “Upside Down” Venus & Mercury, “Novaxx” Djokovic, Ghislaine Maxwell & Prince Andrew

There’s no doubt that astrology is a whole language in its own right, and one of the reasons that astrologers love to get together is because they can talk that language without having to translate it.

But the job of this blog IS to translate the astrology and the big question at the moment is mostly around what does a retrograde Venus mean?

Desmond Tutu, Jupiter’s New Cycle, Finding Answers & New Moon in Capricorn

Definitely don’t drag the past into the New Year with you like a ball and chain. Capricorn the Mountain Goat loves a project and goals, no matter how steep the climb. The theme of fresh starts and looking forwards is supported by Mercury’s first activity after changing sign, a minor but positive aspect to Greater Benefic Jupiter, both at 0 degrees of their new signs, holding hands as they start out on their new journeys … some details will change again but the important thing is to get started.