15 July 2013 – This week’s Astrology

If you want to go straight to the columns here are the links for the weekly and monthly horoscopes: http://www.avonconnects.co.uk/docs/DOC-5930 http://www.networkshe.co.uk/category/horoscope What’s happening this week? If you keep up with the astrological picture then you probably already know that this week is huge as it’s the week of the Grand Trine. What’s that? It’s an…

1 July 2013 – This week’s Astrology

If you want to go straight to the columns here’s the link for the weekly horoscopes: http://www.avonconnects.co.uk/docs/DOC-5930 Here’s the link for the monthly horoscopes, July stars now up along with an overview for the month ahead: http://www.networkshe.co.uk/category/horoscope What’s happening this week? No matter which way you look at it the first half of the week…