Mars – Uranus Update, What’s Mercury Up To, Preview of Next Week’s Blog & September Summer School (with Chris Mitchell)

The Mars – Uranus conjunction, Algol/ What’s Mercury up to?/ Interpretation of Mercury in Virgo + celebs with this placing/ Preview of next week’s astrology/ How to subscribe to the detailed weekly blog that goes out every Monday/ SUMMER SCHOOL – Two courses scheduled for September, with me and then Chris Mitchell

Aquarius & Pisces as Rising Signs, Preview of Next Week’s Blog & Summer School 2024

After reading the course descriptions, if you’re unsure about your suitability for any of the courses, please do get in touch directly with Elisabeth, Chris or myself to discuss. ALL COURSES INCLUDE WORK ON YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE – so please provide your data when booking a place so that your chart can be prepared in advance by the relevant tutor.

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The Astrological Picture of Coronavirus, a Neptunian Full Moon, Mercury’s Turning Point and Staying on Track

It’s incredibly quick and easy to get spooked at the moment. Neptunian energy is brilliant at escalating things, to the point where perspective disappears. So it’s worth putting in our own boundaries in this respect too. For example, 9 million people live in London. 26 of them have coronavirus. Or, as one article that I read last week put it, if you’re under 50 and not living in China then you are more likely to win the lottery than you are of getting infected.