Sun – Mars – Jupiter Trailblazing, the Venus – Uranus Kind of Love & the Idyll of Greek Island Astrology

Identify what is most important to you at the moment and then pour your energy into it. This is not a time for passivity or for being over cautious. This Sun – Mars – Jupiter triple act has an entrepreneurial flavour so, for example, if you want to get a business idea up and running then go for it. If you want to broaden your horizons in any sense, go for it.

The Love Planets Changing Sign, Critical Degrees & the Supercharged Combo of Mars – Jupiter (Horoscopes: Johnny Depp, Camille Vasquez, Anthony Albanese)

The Astrology Blog 23 May 2022 All times in BST Β  β€œWe must stop regarding unpleasant or unexpected things as interruptions of real life. The truth is that interruptions are real life.” C. S. Lewis – 29 Nov 1898, Sun conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius   “I don’t look my age, I don’t feel my…