Spring Fever and Big Dreams – 21 May 2018

The arrival of the Sun in Gemini is very spring like! This is the sign of mutable air – so it’s all about being in circulation, thinking on your feet and not taking life too seriously. Keywords for this sign are lively, sociable, playful, multitasking, animated, talkative, inventive, resourceful and mischievous. Also look out for themes of duality. The sign of The Twins often brings doubles and multiples into the spotlight, such as affairs or choices, or buying things in twos, or looking at how you divide yourself amongst the people and demands of your life…

Uranus the Mover & Shaker, How to Stay on Your Feet, Royal Family Horoscopes – 14 May 2018

The Astrology Blog 14 May 2018 If you want to check the sign and degrees in your own natal chart here’s the link to Astrotheme. Enter your data into the boxes provided: https://www.astrotheme.com/horoscope_chart_sign_ascendant.php What’s Happening this Week? Well if you’re a follower of astrology you can’t have failed to miss the hoo-ha about the Big…

Astrology blog – 7 May 2018

This week has a restless and changeable quality, but it’s not without its high spots or results. Top advice is to be adaptable and flexible. Don’t try to stick rigidly to either plans or opinions, or be overly reliant on other people. If ever there was a time for having Plan B tucked up your sleeve, this week is it! Mercury – the Communicator but also the Mischief Maker – is still a lead player, and is dominant at both the beginning and end of the week…