If you want to go straight to this week’s blog just scroll down past the course information and horoscope links.
The Greek Island Summer School is now entering its 12th year. If you want to explore the fascinating subjects of astrology or tarot, combined with a week’s holiday on this beautiful Greek island of Lefkada, here are the course dates for 2014:
Working with Tarot – the most popular course.
Choose either w/c 5 May 2014 (6 of 6 places available) or
w/c 19 May 2014 (2 of 6 places available)
These courses are suitable for all levels. We revise the traditional divinatory meanings of the 78 Tarot cards and contribute our own. You will also learn a variety of spreads so that you are equipped for answering any kind of question. Throughout the week we also explore the nature of working with clients so you will hone both your divinatory and counselling skills, with theory and with practice readings.
More details on the website here
Discovering Astrology – foundationcourse for beginners/refreshers
w/c 2 June 2014 (4 of 6 places available)
Lift astrology out of the Sun sign columns and discover horoscopy, the symbolism of the signs, planets and houses. Take your first steps in chart interpretation and making predictions, for the day do day things of life and for the major cycles that show important life events, such as relationships and vocation. Throughout the week we will work on your own horoscopes as well as celebrities that interest us and case histories from my own practice.
Check out the website for more details…
Astrology & Tarot – how to combine both skills
w/c 8 September 2014 (3 of 6 places available)
This course is suitable for the student who already has a grounding in both tarot and astrology. The aim is improve your tarot skills through deepening your understanding of the card meanings and learning how to engage with the symbolic. We will revise the nature and cycles of the planets and you will learn how to use the Ephemerides – the tables that follow the movement of the planets day by day – so that you can move easily between the past, present and future. By adding the astrological bow to your arrow you can offer your clients extra guidance in terms of their current life cycle, and enrich the accuracy of your readings with key dates for unfolding events.
Details on the website…
Good Timing – Predictive Techniques in Astrology
w/c 22 September 2014 (4 of 6 places available)
This course is suitable for the student who has already completed a beginners’ course or who is familiar with the basic symbolism of the nuts and bolts of horoscopy – signs, planets and houses. The aim is to pull together all the threads of natal interpretation, to deepen your understanding of aspects and to learn how the “natal promise” within each individual horoscope comes to life through the predictive techniques of transits, returns and progressions. You will learn how to use the Ephemerides effectively, to work with “retrodiction” (what has already happened) as well as prediction, what is happening now and in the future.
To read about the week, check out the website…
If you have any queries or would like to reserve a place please contact me direct here
The Astrology Blog – w/b 2 December 2013
Firstly thanks to everyone who’s sent Happy Birthday wishes – much appreciated. Ever wondered where “many happy returns” comes from? Your birthday is your Solar Return – the day that the Sun returns to the exact degree of the sign in which you were born. So a very, very Happy Solar Return to my twin sister Sue. It is unbelievable what you have had to cope with this year yet, every day, you still enrich my life and every day I thank “my lucky stars” for your unconditional and unwavering love and support. See you later!
So, it’s especially uplifting to start this week’s blog with the fact that we have a New Moon at 11 degrees of Sagittarius, exact at 00.23 GMT tomorrow. New Moons equal new cycles, the point at which something new is born. They can signal brand new opportunities that seemingly spring to life from nowhere, or they can relate to something that has been in the making for a while. Either way, the theme is fresh starts and new beginnings. The Moon’s universal connection to family and property may also feature.
For now look out for themes related to the sign of Sagittarius. The top keyword for this sign is expansion – so anything that makes your world a bigger place gets a tick, such as travel and all things connected to overseas. Expanding the mind is in there too as this sign rules education and “the higher mind” – your belief system and philosophy of life. It’s also the sign of truth and justice so anything from setting the record straight to dealing with legal matters is now in a sensitive phase.
This New Moon also coincides with Mercury sextile (harmonious) Mars. This is important for two reasons:
· This is a repeating aspect. Mercury in Scorpio sextile Mars in Virgo first aligned on 1 November when both planets were at 10 degrees. This time both planets have moved on to align at 27 degrees. Look out for second chances or for pivotal information/discussions related to a matter that started at the beginning of last month.
· Secondly this is Mercury’s last aspect before finally exiting Scorpio. Mercury would normally spend between 2 to 4 weeks in each sign but because of the recent retrograde period Mercury has been travelling forwards/backwards/forwards in Scorpio since 29 September.
If you’re waiting for green lights of any kind your patience should now be rewarded. Expected or unexpected, whatever ideas or offers surface at this time are designed to move you onwards and upwards, so don’t hesitate. Note that Sagittarius is a big thinking generous sign so there may also well be helping hands from those who love you, or from those who believe in you and care about your future. Also note what unfolds on Thursday, the day that Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Any “ingress” (the moment when a planet enters a new sign) also carries the symbolism of new chapters, fresh starts and opportunity.
The information and communication planet Mercury in Scorpio for such a long time has been very testing – secrets, hidden agendas, things that are painful to say or hear, sorting out the lies from the truth and so on. Mercury’s move into truth freak Sagittarius is therefore more significant than usual. However, his first aspect is a square (difficult) to Neptune – exact on Friday evening. This may briefly muddy the waters again so be cautious. Confide only in those whose discretion is beyond question and don’t believe everything you hear. Whatever comes out over a few drinks is also likely to be highly sensitive! But Mercury is now picking up speed and any blip should be manageable.
Finally, the other big event of the week is Mars also changing sign, moving into Libra on Saturday. Mars would usually spend about two months travelling through a sign but, again, because of a long retrograde period (that won’t start until the beginning of next March) Mars will end up spending over 7 months in this sign.
What does that signify? I’ll obviously be talking a lot more about this in the coming months but for now note that traditional astrology says that Mars is in “detriment” in this sign. Mars is the god of war and action, he thrives in dynamic Aries and determined Scorpio, but he is somewhat weakened when in their opposite signs of Libra and Taurus.
In a nutshell Libra is THE sign of relating. The famous Scales are associated with indecision, weighing things up, but they also symbolize the two parties in any relationship. Whatever one side does affects the other. Libra is ruled by the love planet Venus, so the Mars characteristics of fierce independence, militance and blazing your own trail are in question. Success is now more likely to lie in partnership, collaboration and negotiation. The relationships that truly reflect the skills of compromise and equality – both personal and professional – are the ones that are worth investing in. For now look at what you could achieve with someone else rather than going solo, and work with the old saying of two heads really are better than one.