Mercury Lifting Shadows, the Venus-Mars Work of Effortful Love & the Queen

The Astrology Blog 21 February 2022                                          All times in GMT                                       “Dependency may appear to be love because it is a force that causes people to fiercely attach themselves to one another. But in actuality it is not love; it is a form of antilove … it seeks to receive rather than to give.…

Three books written by Joanna Watters

Jupiter’s New Cycle, Mercury Power & the Love Planets in Synch

This is a very sturdy Venus – Mars combination. There’s plenty of earthy passion in the mix but yet again there’s the Capricorn message of true satisfaction lying in effort, the willingness to take on the serious job of loving and partnership. Don’t be afraid to work at your relationship. If you have grievances or if you want a better sex life now’s the time to make your wishes and feelings known, not in a demanding “you must satisfy me” way, but in a way that is respectful, authentic and acknowledging of the fact that every relationship is always work in progress.