Navigating the Mars – Saturn & Jupiter – Neptune Conjunctions, a Full Speed Mercury & Readings

Symbolically the Jupiter – Neptune conjunction speaks mostly of our emotional world. Everything from grief and floods of tears to huge romance for those falling in love right now. Also look out for the archetypes of the Rescuer, the Martyr or the Victim, clock if you’re playing either of those roles or if anyone else close to you is. Think very carefully about what you might be giving up at the moment too, such as sacrificing personal wishes or dreams to keep the peace. Recipes for resentment need to come off the menu. But Big Dreams get a huge tick.

Relationships, Trustful or Toxic, Questions & Answers

In sharp contrast to Mars’ stops and starts, both Mercury and Venus are at full speed and there’s definitely some teamwork going on as they’ll align by positive aspect at the end of next week before both changing sign within 12 hours of each other. Whatever else may be slowing you down in terms of the how, when, if questions – an ongoing theme in a world being controlled by a pandemic – these Mercury aspects are promising for meaningful and helpful connections.