
In this course Elisabeth will be teaching how to use the energy of the Moon, the Moon in the sky and the Moon in our own charts, to improve the quality of life here on planet Earth.

The Moon helps with timing issues, for understanding cycles and rhythms. We can use lunar knowledge for our health and to help us understand our path in life, as seen through the North and South Nodes.

We will look at the rebellious woman – Black Moon Lilith who is wild and wicked – and shows us where we want to rebel and stand up for ourselves.

Elisabeth teaches Astrology and Tarot, is a Psychosynthesis counsellor, Medical Herbalist and Author. Discover more at

image of a wise woman at the centre of a representation of the cycle of the moon with the words Moonology with Elisabeth Brooke


11 June 2025


First day 11am to 3pm

Other three study days 10am to 3pm


Joanna’s home in Nidri, Lefkada, Greece


Elisabeth Brooke – hosted by Joanna Watters

Prices & How To Book


Course fees include tutor fees, refreshments – and taxis to and from your hotel on the four study days.

For more information and to book email

Greek Island Moonology Course – Astrology and more…

Course content

To summarise, the key topics we will cover in the Moonology course include:

  • Selene Goddess of the Moon
  • The Natal Moon
  • The Moon in signs and houses
  • Lessons and challenges to be mastered
  • Eclipses and their cycles, and how they affect your chart
  • The North and South Nodes and our destiny, our past and this lifetime’s challenges
  • Dark Moon Lilith, the rebellious one
  • The Progressed Moon as a trigger point in your horoscope

Please send your data when booking your place:

  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Time of birth – as accurately as possible.


Regular tea, coffee and water is included in the course fee. Please bring along your choice of infusion or special diet items.

Buffet lunch

You can bring your own lunch or opt to choose from a local menu.

This includes a selection of salads, local cheese pies and more.

Special dietary requirements are taken into account – simply email Joanna with your preferences.

Allow 8 to 12 Euro per day