The Astrology Blog – w/b 7 April 2014
This week has definitely got a feel of the lull before the storm. The much talked of Grand Cross will be in operation over the Easter weekend of the 20th, with all kinds of build up as of next Monday, but this coming week does at least suggest breathing spaces and the right kind of gear shifts.
The first significant event is Mercury’s move from Pisces (his sign of detriment) into Aries (ingress exact at 16.36 BST). This means that he’s moving from 29 degrees of Pisces to 0 Aries. In terms of world events this is important as Mercury is information and 29 degrees of Pisces is the position of a fixed star called Scheat which is malefic in nature and associated with danger through water, and also with suicide/death through drugs/in mysterious circumstances. Marilyn Monroe had Uranus at 29 Pisces in the 8th house (death). This last degree of Neptune ruled Pisces is like the depths of the ocean so it would seem that the signals picked up by Ocean Shield will prove to be those of the missing Malaysian flight. My thoughts are with those poor families.
At a more personal level look out for a shift with anything that has overwhelmed you with sadness. Mercury’s move into Aries first sign of the zodiac is like a repeat of the Spring Equinox (20 March) and the New Moon in Aries (30 March). Fresh starts, wiping the slate clean, the entrance of a new and energetic person into your life, recognizing your own abilities – these are all exciting possibilities. Any planet at 0 degrees of a sign marks a new cycle and huge potential, but in Aries that newness is emphasized.
The other way to use this Mercury to your advantage is to take a leaf out of Aries book in terms of independence and immediacy. The bigger picture message is to stop waiting for others to do something for you, even if they’ve promised they would, and do it yourself – it will be so much quicker! Aries is the sign of cardinal fire. This means directness and laser beam energy/insights. In particular stop struggling with anything that has become complicated or just won’t make sense. Stop, think about your true objectives and start again. You’ll get a whole new angle that could prove to be highly effective.
You may however meet some initial resistance as the second feature of the week is the Aries Sun in opposition to Mars in Libra (Tuesday, 22.05 BST). This is potentially punchy stuff so, where at all possible, avoid getting into a fight. Realise that you may be dealing with ego issues. If it’s your own then climb down with good grace, if it’s someone else’s then make extra allowances. Nobody likes to feel overruled and Mars backtracking through Libra, sign of partnership and negotiation, suggests that a bit of stealth energy could help a cause or protect an important relationship.
You may remember that Venus moved into Pisces over the weekend. The good news is that this is Venus’ sign of “exaltation”. In other words, the love planet in this feeling and romantic water sign is a good mix. This doesn’t apply just to Love with a capital L but to love generally. Gentleness, empathy and taking time out to enjoy life’s pleasures and the company of those you care about all carry extra value.
Venus meets up with Neptune in Pisces in the early hours of Saturday (03.25 BST) and when the personal planets meet the outer planets things can swing either way. The flip side of this emotional picture is grief, so look out for that friend who’s drowning their sorrows, or a lack of realism. However, traditional astrology would give enormous strength to this union as Venus is exalted and Neptune is in his sign of dignity. The romance potential of this conjunction is literally boundless and is possibly the ultimate symbol for falling in love….it’s the urge to merge.
Finally look out for water issues! We love our new house, it has a lovely bathroom but the bath has to be replaced. So far we’ve just been using the shower but my sister and I really miss those times when a long, hot soak in bubbles or oils is the answer to everything and the only thing that will do! So this week’s mission is to go and buy a bath and put the water luxury back into the bathroom – how Venus/Neptune in Pisces is that!
The Greek Island Summer School starts next month and there are still places available on the tarot week 19 May. There are links above to the website for more info or visit the new Facebook page, and thanks to those who’ve already Liked:
Apart from doing a tarot or astrology course, Lefkada is an idyllic place for a holiday. If you want somewhere special to stay check out the beautiful Palm Villas in Sivota, about twenty minutes out of Nidri. They’re now on Facebook and you can contact me direct for special rates: