The Astrology Blog – w/b 31 March 2014
You may remember that last week I was talking about the T-Square that is currently dominating the heavens. To recap, two planets in relationship to each other make an aspect, but when we have three (or more) doing the same thing we then have an “aspect pattern”. A T-Square is two planets opposing each other (the line at the top of the T) and both making squares to a third (sitting at the bottom of the stem of the T).
The current T Square is:
Jupiter at 11 degrees of Cancer opposite Pluto at 13 degrees of Capricorn
Jupiter and Pluto both squaring to Uranus at 12 degrees of Aries
This aspect pattern has been featuring since last August but was sensitized over the weekend as last night’s New Moon fell at 10 degrees of Aries. I’ve noticed some alarmism over this T Square, specifically because a fourth planet is gradually moving into the picture (Mars backtracking through Libra will take up position opposite Uranus over the Easter weekend, turning the pattern from a T square into a Grand Cross).
Political astrology is not my area of expertise but yes, Mars is god of war, and yes Putin’s natal Sun is 14 Libra and yes the Uranus – Pluto square alone is the stuff of unrest and invasions but that is the worst case scenario. As above so below, the T Square reflects a situation at crisis point and symbolically captures the turn of events, ie that John Kerry diverted his homebound flight at the last minute to meet Lavrov last night on the New Moon for “hastily arranged talks” (BBC) on the Ukraine crisis after Obama’s call on Russia to pull its troops back from the border.
The other top news story that tragically reflects the T Square is of course missing flight MH370 –
Jupiter (long distance travel and means of)
Opposite Pluto (disappearance, endings)
Both squaring Uranus (shock, suddenness, accidents).
More information on both of these stories will surface throughout the week as the Sun travels through the T – Square.
To return to a personal level, and especially if you have planets on or close to the signs and degrees of those involved in the T Square, you can expect the top issue in your own life to reach some kind of crisis point. This doesn’t have to be disastrous! There is no change without conflict and it’s better for a situation to reach boiling point rather than simmering forever more. Neither does it have to involve aggression. Any matter that is no longer sustainable is likely to fall apart, either this coming week or at some point in the run up to Easter.
For now, the Sun is poised to work through the T Square so look out for these timings:
Sun square Jupiter – 08.41 BST Tuesday
Sun conjunct Uranus – 08.09 BST Wednesday
Sun square Pluto – 20.20 BST Thursday
These patterns do signify tension and friction, so we can’t expect life to be plain sailing. It may be a question of having to deal with something that you’d really rather not have to, but feel that you have no choice. Or it may be a case of having some kind of change thrust upon you that will at first be disruptive. Either way, trying to stick to any kind of regular routine this week will probably be a tall order so try to factor in allowances for the unexpected. Build in flexibility such as options to cancel on appointments or social arrangements, and allow others the same latitude. Best case scenario is that you will actually want to disrupt your life when something too exciting to turn down comes along!
What else? Towards the end of the Sun’s journey through the T Square we have Mercury trine (harmonious) Saturn (exact at 04.04 BST Thursday). This is extremely helpful. When Saturn is pulled into the picture by good aspect he is a stabilizer and organizer. So this is the stuff of new arrangements, firming up plans for another time, making decisions based on common sense, personal boundaries, closure and good endings. Even if a matter comes down to what you can’t have or can’t do you will at least know what you’re dealing with.
The last word goes to Venus, planet of love and pleasure, as she finishes her journey through Aquarius, picking up neither good nor bad aspects along the way. Great generally for friendships, groups and social occasions, not so brilliant for love stuff. Aquarius may be the sign of the Water Bearer but is nevertheless an air sign, element of the mind, and is associated more with a dispassionate nature rather than a passionate one! The other extreme is on its way however as she changes sign at the weekend, moving into the water sign of Pisces which is her sign of “exaltation”. The ingress is exact at 21.32 BST on Saturday evening and she’ll then be travelling through this sign until the beginning of May. I’ll be talking more about Venus’ new cycle next week.
My news is that, on the Mercury trine Jupiter last week, I was signed to write a new astrology book so that’s a huge project for this summer. It will be out next spring.
This year’s spring is springing over here, with beautiful weather and flowers bursting into bud. The Summer School starts next month and there are still places available on the tarot week 19 May. There are links above to the website for more info or visit the new Facebook page:
So welcome to European Summer Time and even if you don’t want to do a tarot or astrology course, Lefkada is an idyllic place for a holiday. If you want somewhere special to stay check out the beautiful Palm Villas in Sivota, about ten minutes drive away from Nidri. They’re now on Facebook and you can contact me direct for special rates: