If ever there was a time for looking for the deeper meaning this week is it. The awkward dance of the two outer planets – Uranus and Pluto – continues as they square up to each other for the second time. The first square was 24 June of this year and, rather overwhelmingly, this contact happens a total of 7 times, the final contact being mid March 2015. These outer planets tend to act as the global backdrop to social, political and financial reform, often through anarchic or dramatic events, but for some this kind of change will also play out in the personal arena. For now, if you have planets/angles at around 7 degrees of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn then you are more likely to experience your own life changing events.
It may sound contradictory for an astrologer to talk about living in the moment but given the Uranus/Pluto “panic factor” I feel very strongly that it’s worth finding that quiet space inside you even if everything else has stopped making any sense!
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With love from Greece