Aquarius & Pisces as Rising Signs, Preview of Next Week’s Blog & Summer School 2024

After reading the course descriptions, if you’re unsure about your suitability for any of the courses, please do get in touch directly with Elisabeth, Chris or myself to discuss. ALL COURSES INCLUDE WORK ON YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE – so please provide your data when booking a place so that your chart can be prepared in advance by the relevant tutor.

Sun – Mars – Jupiter Trailblazing, the Venus – Uranus Kind of Love & the Idyll of Greek Island Astrology

Identify what is most important to you at the moment and then pour your energy into it. This is not a time for passivity or for being over cautious. This Sun – Mars – Jupiter triple act has an entrepreneurial flavour so, for example, if you want to get a business idea up and running then go for it. If you want to broaden your horizons in any sense, go for it.