Well here we are at the end of another year. As we make the transition Mercury, planet of the mind, steals the limelight, moving into Capricorn this afternoon. The ingress is exact at 14.04 GMT and his first aspect will be a sextile (harmonious) to Neptune in Pisces tomorrow morning. As this is the time of year for making resolutions this is a perfect astrological picture –
- Mercury – planet of decisions, thoughts, ideas and communication of all kinds – what we think, we become
- Capricorn – one of Saturn’s signs, planet of structure and purpose. Capricorn is the Mountain Goat, associated with ambition, slowly but sure footedly making its way up the mountainside
- Neptune – planet of dreams, mysticism, compassion and the imagination, now powerful in his own sign of Pisces, a water sign renowned for sensitivity and powerful instincts
This picture makes me think about the importance of balance. It’s no good having a dream if we never find a way to action it. It is of little value feeling sympathy for someone – or the world – if we don’t find a practical way to help. An unbalanced life is one which is all work but it’s also one which is aimless or unproductive. If we want to capture the New Year astrological vibe my feeling is that we should take a good long look at what really matters to us, rather than what others might say should matter to us. As I read the other day (sorry don’t have the writer’s name) – “happiness lies at the crossroads between pleasure and meaning”.
May all your New Year resolutions fill you with purpose, motivation and joy! And wherever you are celebrating tonight have fun and stay safe,
CLICK BELOW for your New Year stars:
See you in 2013,
With love from Greece