The Astrology Blog – w/b 25 August 2014
All times stated are in BST.
Last week’s blog was entitled “Mercury on the rampage” – on Wednesday night my email was deactivated and is still inexplicably defunct. So if anyone has sent me an email in the last five days please can you resend to my back up email address which is or message me on Facebook. Thanks!
IF YOU HAVE ENQUIRED ABOUT THE LAST FEW PLACES ON SEPTEMBER COURSES – my internet connection is also somewhat unreliable at the moment so to be on the safe side you can text me on 0030 6976 296085 and I will call you back.
Everything else that happened last week amply bore out Mercury as the troublemaker. I’m on the home stretch of writing (Mercury) the new book so this couldn’t have happened at a worst time re being in constant touch with my copy editor and publishers, constantly checking out details on celebs mentioned in the book, not to mention the hours and hours spent on trying to sort the problem out and getting seriously stressed! Last week I wrote:
The “getting there” may be extremely taxing and may throw up a lot more questions and issues in the process. Look out for the “x” factor that, until now, may either have been hidden or not recognized as being significant.
I finally sat myself down and reminded myself that if you can’t change the problem then you can change your response and in fact getting stressed is actually a choice. I only had to read the horrible headlines last week to remind myself also that an email problem is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.
In some ways it is quite an education to be without email – makes me realise how totally dependent I am on that particular piece of technology – and Mercury’s rampage definitely manifested for me as a lesson in realizing how much we are in constant contact with others. For me it also showed as a language barrier (my Greek is okay for basic communication purposes but a long way from being fluent) and the frustration of either making myself understood, or trying to understand what was being said, or trying to understand a problem that was way beyond my level of expertise. Trying to find the right person to fix the problem is also proving to be a total headache – it is all very similar to having a retrograde Mercury on the loose.
We are also in the process of wedding plans for my sister’s big day at the end of September which is the other area of stress…. The Mercury (communication) – Venus (love) – Pluto (starting from scratch ) entanglement of last week manifested as trying to track down Mike’s divorce papers that should already be here and with the translator, having to cull the wedding invite list that had got totally out of control – and also discovering that the order for my own dress (Venus for adornment) had been cancelled (Pluto loves writing “the end”) as I hadn’t clocked the instructions on the order form (Mercury) wanting a copy of my passport in order to verify that the order had definitely come from me and not someone posing as me and using my card fraudulently (Mercury quinqunx – the blind spot – to Uranus). Is this security gone nuts? Back to the drawing board….
At a more general level let me just share this… Women are from Venus, men are from Mars…. Yesterday morning I walked into the kitchen, my soon to be brother in law was eating breakfast, head bowed.
“Morning Mike.”
Nothing … most unusual, Mike is a ray of sunshine.
A minute later… “Morning Mike…”
“Oh morning Jo. I was in a world of my own.”
Sympathetically, “What were you thinking about?”
“This afternoon’s Grand Prix.”
What’s happening this week?
The week starts at full tilt with a rapid sequence of major aspects unfolding throughout Monday –
Mercury sextile Mars (9.47) – the end of the Mercury/Mars/Uranus sequence that unfolded over this last weekend, and the beginning of the Mercury/Mars/Saturn sequence unfolding now. As you read this my sister will be in the OTE offices (UK equivalent to BT) trying to find out why the email has been deactivated and as the sextile is a harmonious aspect I am cautiously optimistic that we will now get some answers… whatever has been unfolding for you over the last few days, look out for resolution in some form or another, even though there may still be work or arguments involved in sorting things out.
Venus 16 degrees of Leo trine Uranus at 16 Aries (10.39) – fiery, possibly dramatic or sudden events connected to love and life’s pleasures. Also signifies surprises or answers in unexpected guises.
Mercury sextile Saturn (13.31) – the middle of the Mercury/Mars/Saturn configuration. Generally these two planets in harmonious aspect signal firm agreements, reliable information and answers that generate definite results. However, be prepared for some answers that are not what you had hoped for although you can still work your way around them. Whatever answers you didn’t get on Monday you will probably find now.
New Moon at 2 degrees of Virgo (15.14) – New Moons, new brooms that sweep clean. Beginnings – such as a new job or meeting a new person – or fresh starts are signified, especially in relation to Virgo’s domain of work and health, or characteristics of analysis and brainwork. Maybe new solutions to old problems?
Mars conjunct Saturn at 17 degrees of Scorpio (20.31) – in traditional astrology Mars is the lesser malefic and Saturn is the greater malefic. This is a major meeting as they come together only once every two years (the last time was August 2012 at 25 degrees of Libra) and as the word malefic indicates, it’s not the easiest or most pleasant of encounters. Note that Mars is strong, being in his own sign of dignity, but Saturn also in the fixed water sign of Scorpio is no pushover. Mars wants to power forwards, Saturn rules obstacles, delays and time itself. Accept what is inevitable or impossible, work out what IS possible and stay realistic as you map out the way ahead. Stay in your own “authority” when dealing with those who have any kind of power over you.
When you get a whole stack of aspects unfolding like this within hours of each other it often indicates several factors at work, either related to the same thing and spreading like ripples through a pond to all those involved in a situation, or related to various different things that are all reaching their own crunch point. This is classic overload. The golden rule is to prioritize as the rest of the week doesn’t show many signs of things being done easily.
Tuesday – Venus at 17 degrees of Leo square Saturn (19.23)
Wednesday – Venus at 18 degrees of Leo square Mars (16.47)
Venus blazing away in Leo is the real golden girl at the moment but until she struggles past these squares to Saturn and Mars there is a definite theme of frustration or the denial of a heartfelt wish. Don’t push too hard for what you want – or think you want – and trust that if the way ahead is barred then it is definitely for a reason that will eventually make sense. Venus puts love issues at the top of the list so it’s especially important to take a big step back if you are unhappy. If you secretly know that you are never going to get what you want from someone then now is the time to accept that. Venus in Leo is a wonderful symbol for self love, for boosting your self esteem and finding love within first rather than moving from the belief that you have to find it from someone else. Psychologically Leo is about being centered and confident in your individuality.
The last major aspect of the week –
Friday – Sun opposite Neptune (15.34)
This is of a very different order from the Mars/Saturn heavy mob. Mars attacks, Saturn blocks but Neptune dissolves and mystifies. By difficult aspect, like this opposition, it’s a little like looking at something through a rainy window. The edges are blurred and everything is out of focus, signaling either inner confusion or issues that simply don’t make any sense. Look out for truth issues and also for unrealistic expectations – your own or someone else’s – and don’t be guilt tripped. At a practical level – water problems! Anything from plumbing to getting dehydrated, especially if you’re in hot climes as we are here in Greece in August.
The weekend brings no major astrological events, but Venus will be shaking off her unwelcome travelling companions of Mars and Saturn, and Mercury will be coasting trouble free through the last few degrees of his own sign of Virgo. That all feels like a respite and the chance to catch up with the people, jobs, pleasures that have had to wait – and the chance to bring a project/plan to a satisfying conclusion.
Wishing you a productive week with plenty of rewards – stay cool!