The Astrology Blog 14 September
Feedback from last week
Last Thursday at 07.57 BST we had a major clash between two giants, Jupiter opposite Neptune, a lineup that happens once every 13 years. To quote from last week’s blog –
Whenever Jupiter is in the picture you can start with the word “BIG”. Neptune is also associated with inflation, being god of the seas in all their depth and boundlessness. So this Jupiter – Neptune opposition signals feelings and scenarios that are overwhelming, over the top or which have the propensity to become blown out of all proportion. Big feelings, big dreams, big emotional conundrums – etc.
I should have added that these major astrological events can also and often do show out in the world in a literal way. As above, so below. A matter of hours before this opposition was exact – so when it was “applying” and therefore at its most powerful – Chile suffered an 8.3 quake, the strongest recorded in the world for 2015 so far. This triggered tsunamis with waves up to 4.7m/15 feet high, smaller waves reaching as far as Alaska and warnings sent as far as New Zealand. One million people had to leave their homes and at least 11 people died. The quake lasted for more than three minutes and there were dozens of aftershocks. That must have been absolutely terrifying. I’ve been in a 7.0 quake that lasted 45 seconds and even that felt as if it were never going to stop, and unless you’ve experienced liquefaction it’s hard to believe how the walls and floor of a supposedly solid building can suddenly turn into rippling jelly.
The other horrible drama that captured the Jupiter – Neptune conflict was the use of tear gas and water cannons in Hungary. Neptune rules gases of all kinds (From Be Your Own Astrologer – Neptune was discovered in 1846 coinciding with advancement in photography, film and pharmaceuticals, notably anesthetics. Gas was replacing oil for lighting, bringing street lights and a night life of brightly lit bars). UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was reported to be shocked at this barbaric means of forcing migrants back from the border.
There were also moving images of humanity and hope, such as a series of photos showing a Danish police officer clowning around with a young girl which were shared thousands of times. One Facebook user commented: “Why can’t the world always be like this. These moments are so rare that we require to share them around.”
A Local Hero – Steve Watson
You can’t fail to be impressed by this guy, a former soldier and father of three:
“I have got young children and it is not possible to see what we are seeing and not do something. We must remember it was only 70 years ago there was a mass exodus of people around Europe as a result of the Second World War and it has not done us any harm, in fact it has enriched us. We need to be less worried about outsiders and get off our backsides to help because we are a global village now.”
Steve left a few days ago on his mercy mission with a co-driver in a van loaded with donations of dried foods like cup-a-soup, coffee, skimmed milk and baby food, nappies, first aid kits, anti bacterial gel, mosquito repellent, plastic plates, cups and cutlery, toothpaste, toothbrushes and sanitary towels. Just before midnight last night he posted “mission accomplished – shattered”. He’s already said that there will be another trip and is still fundraising, for donations and for fuel costs. I’ve donated to his cause, and with his capacity for compassion and empathy I’d also put money on his having a strong Jupiter – Neptune theme in his own horoscope! If you’d like to help him along the way here’s the link:
What’s happening this week?
All times posted in BST
The first half of the week is by far the easiest. Venus still blazing away in fiery Leo takes the lead –
Wednesday Venus trine Uranus (05.01)
This aspect is “applying” and therefore at its strongest throughout the next couple of days. We always think of Venus firstly as Aphrodite, goddess of love, but she also rules money and all material needs and sensual pleasures. In harmonious aspect to Uranus – planet of the collective and humanitarian concerns – this is fantastic astrology for supporting any cause close to your heart.
At a more personal level Venus – Uranus aligning harmoniously and in the fire signs of Leo/Aries signals group events, fun, surprises, spontaneity, doing something different – and attractions of the unexpected and electrical kind! If you’ve got relationship issues, good bad or indifferent, to address then sooner rather than later is good. This message is underlined as this lively aspect is followed on the same day by the Autumn Equinox, when the Sun arrives at 0 degrees of Libra, sign of partnership, and in a positive aspect to get it together Saturn –
Wednesday Sun ingress Libra (09.22) and Sun sextile Saturn (19.37)
This is also important as this is Saturn’s first aspect since he changed sign last Friday, embarking upon a two year journey through the third fire sign of Sagittarius. Here’s my take on this combination from Be Your Own Astrologer –
Saturn in Jupiter’s masculine sign presents the conflict of two opposing forces or beliefs. Saturn’s nature is to restrict, Jupiter’s is to learn and liberate, so here we find the serious philosopher, philanthropist or freedom campaigner. Che Guevara, Bruce Kent (CND) and Abraham Lincoln all represent the battle for the sanctity of human life in their own way. Those with this natal placing have to learn how to do battle with authority in life, and how to find the middle ground between claiming their own space vs their responsibility to others.
As this new Saturn cycle kicks off we can see all too clearly how the world needs to take humanitarian issues (Jupiter) more seriously (Saturn) even if they’re not on our own doorstep. At a more personal level I like this combination for all moves related to finding and pursuing your true vocation, for anything that’s a two year plan and for structuring your life in a way that is in keeping with your deepest beliefs and sense of purpose. For some the Sun – Saturn sextile will be about with whom you’ll go forwards, as well as how, and possible about who will have an especially significant role to play in your life over the next two years. Many matters will need the longer view.
All of this is unfolding against the backdrop of retrograde Mercury, who gets the second half of the week off to a difficult start –
Thursday Mercury square Pluto (23.31)
Friday Pluto turns direct at 13 degrees of Capricorn (07.56)
This is the second of three squares at 13 degrees of Libra/Capricorn – the first one was 9 September and the third will be 22 October – so if you have natal planets or angles at or close to this degree of these signs, or the other cardinal signs of Aries or Cancer, then this will be an especially sensitive time for you. Here’s the usual link to check the position of your natal planets in your own horoscope:
If this site is new to you note that when you enter your data – date, place and time of birth – you’ll then be able to pull up a visual of your horoscope. You don’t have to understand this in its entirety – just note if you have any planets at or close to any degree and sign that is currently significant. You can do this by hovering your mouse over each planet, and the information will show in the box at the top.
Back to Mercury square Pluto, this is a contradictory union to say the very least. Mercury has only just turned retrograde but Pluto is turning direct, so there is a real push-pull quality that is now reaching some kind of crunch point. Mercury is the communication planet and under his umbrella we find information, decisions, news, views and so on. Pluto is often referred to as the planet of transformation, which is something of a euphemism for his death/rebirth symbolism, and especially by a difficult aspect like the square signals endings or an unmistakable “no”. Look out for having to scrap a plan and start again and guard against trying to force any kind of round pegs into square holes. It won’t be worth the effort and could cost you dearly. Note also that the matters on my usual checklist for retrograde Mercury will be super sensitive –
• Try to operate by “re” words – review, revise, research, reappraise, rethink and so on
• Buy yourself time wherever needed
• Write things down – forgetfulness, being distracted, inattention etc can be a troublesome theme
• Back up all your computer work
• Getting back to ideas on the back burner
• Getting back in touch
• Rest and relaxation, give the brain some time off
• Keep options open
• Assume nothing, double check everything
• When in doubt, check it out – second hand opinions are a dead cert for getting hold of the wrong end of the stick – and don’t believe everything you hear
• Keep a close watch on all belongings – especially keys or anything linked to communication such as phones, laptops, tablets, cameras etc and don’t even think about buying new ones for the time being
• The same for cars – never buy any mode of transport under a retro Mercury
• Plan any journey with extra care and don’t trust to luck
• Kill your speed when driving – allow extra time for getting there slowly but safely
• Take extra care with form filling/signing on dotted lines
• No matter how certain a situation might seem there is a good chance that it will morph into something else over the next couple of weeks – the “x” factor is at work
Themes of delays and frustration are underlined yet again by another major astrological event at the end of the week. Mars, planet of action, changes sign but immediately squares up to Saturn –
Friday Mars ingress Virgo (03.19)
Saturday Mars square Saturn (02.13)
This is like a major roadblock or traffic lights stuck on red. Barriers, however, will be there for a reason, even if that is not apparent at the time. Be prepared to put personal desires on hold for a while if you find yourself in conflict with those around you, or cut a lot of slack for someone who’s unable to honor a promise or who lets you down in any other way. Expect to come up against matters that are beyond anyone’s immediate control or simply having to allow a lot more time than you’d expected for the things you want to do. Also don’t hesitate to pull out of any arrangement or decision that you now know was bad for you in some way or unrealistic. Mars in fastidious Virgo (one of Mercury’s signs) will be guiding us to look at the minutiae so – especially with a retrograde Mercury too – don’t gloss over the details that you suspect may come back to haunt you!
Finally and just for good measure we have a Lunar Eclipse building up over the weekend –
Monday (28th) Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Aries (03.52)
Eclipses hunt in pairs, so two weeks ago we had the Solar Eclipse –
Sunday 13th September New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees of Virgo (07.42)
As I’ve commented before, some astrologers refer to eclipses as power points, others as omens of disempowerment. Either way, they tend to play a role in revealing new pictures. A shadow is thrown but lifts again and some changes may be linked to bringing things out of hiding. Triangular setups, such as affairs or being in competition in business, are sensitized as eclipses are about the intricate relationship between the three bodies of the Sun, Moon and Earth. Someone is inevitably overshadowed while another emerges in a new light. Again, we have a flavor of death/rebirth symbolism.
So it’s a full on week, to put it mildly! Looking ahead though it might help to know that next week is extraordinarily quiet in the aftermath of the Eclipse, so no matter what you have to deal with now there should be the time and space to recover, to process things and to make the necessary changes.
For serious astrology students read of for an extra section on eclipses,
Until next week,
With love from Greece
• A Solar Eclipse – occurs when the Sun is obscured by the shadow of the Moon at the time of a New Moon.
• A Lunar Eclipse – occurs when the Moon is obscured by the shadow of the earth at the time of a Full Moon.
Looking at examples from the past is often a really good way to deepen our understanding of any kind of astrological event. Here’s my favourite teaching example from my first book, Astrology for Today (which came out in 2003 so these days you can get a copy for virtually nothing on Amazon!)
A Solar Eclipse
The abdication of Edward VIII in relation to the horoscope of his brother, George VI, who had kingship thrust upon him.
• Edward VIII officially abdicated on 10 December 1936
• A Solar Eclipse fell at 21.49 Sagittarius just three days later, on 13 December 1936
• His brother George VI was born on the 14th December, with his natal Sun at 21.55 Sagittarius, almost exactly conjunct the eclipse degree
The astrological symbolism of this eclipse is highly radical – that is, it paints a powerfully accurate picture of the event in question. Not only is George VI’s Sun conjunct the eclipse degree, his Sun in his natal chart is conjunct the third cusp – the house of siblings. Furthermore, his Sun in Sagittarius rules his Leo Midheaven (status) and is in mutual reception with Jupiter in Leo, which is conjunct his Midheaven – in itself a fitting symbolic picture for a man who is to be a monarch. The eclipse falling conjunct his Sun on the 3rd house cusp sensitizes the natal configuration. His brother is eclipsed, and in fact spent the rest of his life in the shadows of exile, the mutual reception between the Sun and Jupiter is made, and George is crowned in Edward’s place. Note also that, at the time of the abdication, Pluto was in the middle of a long transit over Edward’s Mercury – a final, uncompromising and irrevocable decision.