Subscribe to Joanna Watters Astrology Blog

For as long as I can remember I’ve been fascinated by astrology

I started learning it properly back in the 1980’s and never looked back. I’ve now been doing readings, writing columns and books, teaching one to one and groups for over 30 years. And, I’ve been writing The Astrology Blog for over 15 years.

This started off as a teaching blog, to meet the needs of those who were already serious students. I also wanted to introduce and demystify astrology for those who were totally new to the subject.

A huge number of my readers say they’re addicted to the blog and, fortunately, so am I! It’s definitely a passion. It’s evolved to the point of devoting two days a week to it and I mail it out every Monday without fail.

What’s in the weekly astrology blog subscription?

As well as investigating the astrological activity for the week ahead The Astrology Blog also follows individuals who are currently in the news, such as celebrities or politicians. Doing this demonstrates the astrology at work for a particular life event. Or sometimes you’ll have a full horoscope analysis, such as for Tina Turner in the blog for the last week of May 2023.

The best way to learn the art of horoscopy is by following the astrology of those who are of interest to you, either public figures or people known to you personally. In fact, I would say it’s unparalleled.

The very word ASTROLOGY is derived from the wisdom and knowledge (logos) of the stars (astra). Thus the purpose of this blog is to connect us with exactly that, to illustrate the “as above, so below” principle, that our life here on planet Earth is in some magical way reflected back to us by the vast celestial mirror above.

Joanna Watters, astrology and tarot teacher, at home in Nidri, Greece

‘As above, so below’ – read my insights on people and events in the news – rooted in their astrology

So much of the wonder and joy of astrology lies in finding and sharing the connections that are written in the stars. When you click on the links below, you’ll discover how transits, progressions and lunations impact the planets and signs of the famous – and infamous – in the news.

Join me on Instagram

I post regularly on Instagram where I’d love to connect with you too. Find me here

“Your knowledge and experience shine through in every blog. I’ve been one of those eternal students but I’ve gained more insights and learned more in these last few months than I have in the 10+ years I’ve been studying. This has been the best investment ever!  Maria

So, think of your weekly subscription to my Astrology Blog as your tour guide

One of my readers calls it “my sanity map for the week”. As you travel this fascinating road the blog will provide you with the astrological data for the milestones ahead. You’ll also have my interpretations and predictions in relation to:

  • The astrological activity for the week ahead, with the exact positions and times of the key astrological features
  • These include aspects (2 or more planets aligning with each other), planets turning retrograde or direct, and lunations (New & Full Moons, including Eclipses)
  • I give the exact positions of the planets each week. This means that you can check all of the features against your own horoscope including natal planets or Angles (Ascendant / Descendant, MC / IC – the super sensitive axis of the horoscope that’s determined purely by time of birth).
  • Interpretation and how this works, as a “take” on the infinite combination of planets in signs that fits a current picture, and how this links to prediction – the kind of things to expect when particular planets or patterns are at work, both in our individual lives and for the collective
  • A “how to” cope when times are tough, including coping strategies, with “do’s and don’ts” advice for avoiding mistakes and pitfalls
  • The psychotherapeutic benefits of seeing how astrology provides us with a frame of reference, for understanding both our own psyche and our relationships

“How do you take the astrology for the week, every week, and turn it into over 3k words of brilliant tuition? Your work is so clearly structured, easy to follow, and full of information and insight. Much appreciated.”  Abi

If you’re not yet ready to subscribe to my weekly blog, start with my FREE Astrology Chat Newsletter.

You’ll get 1 or 2 emails each month and can unsubscribe at any time. You can see highlights from my last 3 free newsletters below. Simply click on the ‘Read more’ links to read them in full. If you’d like to start receiving my Free Astrology Chat Newsletter, simply subscribe here

Remember, when you subscribe to my weekly paid Astrology Blog, you’ll also receive the free newsletter too – so you get the best of both worlds!

Astrology is the gift that keeps on giving

I’ve been writing my weekly blog for over 15 years, it’s about 3.5k words and it’s packed with info, for both beginners and more advanced astrology students. It’s a top choice when you want to follow astrology because I explain astrological craft, techniques you can apply to your own chart, and where I explore the celestial activity day by day.

It’s very easy to subscribe, here are your options:

  • Go straight to the yellow PayPal boxes below
  • OR if you’d prefer to pay by bank transfer, just email me and I can add you at my end, for your specific start date and duration
  • OR use PayPal.Me

You can choose any number of weeks or months for your subscription, and you can choose between PayPal or bank transfer, UK details on request. It’s an affordable inspirational learning tool for everyone:

  • Annual subscription is £57.00
  • Monthly subscription at £5.95 per month
  • Single issue – any time, any week at £1.65
astrology chart showing the signs of the houses and glyphs for the planets

“The quality and content of your weekly blog are second to none.”  Beverly

How to subscribe

The easiest and simplest way to subscribe is to click on the yellow button

This gives you the choice of of paying via your PayPal account or by credit card as a guest. Simply choose your preferred option: to pay £5.95 monthly or to pay £57.00 annually. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

(Please note: It’s easier and simpler to use the yellow button to pay because you’ll have control over changes to your subscription).

Subscribe monthly

at £5.95 a month

(which works out at £1.37 a week).


Subscribe annually

at £57.00 per year

(which works out at £1.09 a week).

I’m loving your blogs.  As I’m growing in understanding astrology I’m finding that what you say, makes so much sense.  Your ability to make complicated subject matter easily understandable is a real gift and I’m grateful for your insight.”  Libby

FAQs about subscribing to the Weekly Astrology Blog

Do I need a PayPal account in order to subscribe?

No, you don’t need your own PayPal account. You’re simply paying your subscription into my PayPal, just as you would pay into any other bank account.


I want to subscribe to your weekly Astrology Blog but I don’t want to use PayPal, are there other options?

Contact me direct to arrange payment by bank transfer


What happens if I choose not to subscribe?

If you’re on my current mailing list you’ll continue to receive the FREE NEWSLETTER. The only reason you would no longer receive it is if you personally unsubscribe. It is only the weekly ASTROLOGY BLOG that is subscription only.

SCROLL UP for easy links to the last 3 issues of the FREE NEWSLETTER or click on FREE NEWSLETTER in the top menu to read previous issues and the archives going back over 10 years.

The free newsletter is sent out every 2 to 3 weeks to everyone (both paid and free subscribers) and is always posted on the website. It includes plenty of astrology chat and often a short excerpt from the latest weekly blog to illustrate something currently important.

The free newsletter also includes easy to read astrology, for example, the lowdown on the Sun Sign each time the sun changes sign.

You’ll also find information about Summer School courses or availability for personal readings.

If you want to start receiving my FREE NEWSLETTER, you can subscribe here


Will I get the Free Newsletter as well as the weekly Astrology Blog?

Yes, all subscribers to the weekly Astrology Blog will also receive the Free Newsletter.