Thanks so much for the reading Joanna, you simply would not believe how accurate it was. The tarot spreads summed up the scene and how I was feeling about my situation, and even described the personality of the other person that you’d never met.  The reading confirmed to me that what I had felt and already done was the right thing, and left me in no doubt as to how to proceed.

Nicola – Personal Reading

I wanted to tell you my news, because I think of you so often and I can’t believe how right you were with EVERYTHING. I did get together with the guy from Crete, we had the best time ever and, as you predicted, I got that light bulb moment of “he’s The One”. So yes, my life changed completely, and even more importantly… I am pregnant!! I will be a mum,  exactly as you said. So nothing could be truer than your reading of my horoscope. Thank you so much.

Margreet – Personal Reading

I am just blown away by your reading. Literally, chills in places, tears in others, jaw dropped throughout. I can’t believe how specifically you nailed me and — just as amazingly — my partner. Who is indeed, as described. And looking for a career change as you saw. I am so grateful for your having done this for me. I really wasn’t expecting anything so … revealing.

Diane – Personal Reading

I loved my reading with Joanna. She filled the room with positivity and light and immediately set the scene of “no matter what mountain you have to climb you will get there”! I loved her up-beat way, her energy and focus. I also loved how she is completely absorbed with you and what you need to know. Joanna uses all her energy and in-depth knowledge of astrology and tarot to give you the inspiration, motivation and insight you are looking for. She pinpointed some significant dates for me. And so far two of these dates have been accurate. I wait with bated breath for the others. Joanna is just the tonic for the pick-me-up you need to take on the world. Everyone deserves a little bit of Joanna! I could not recommend her more.

Nollaig – Personal Reading

Joanna understands how adults learn. In the classroom she creates and maintains a ‘safe learning environment’ which puts her students at ease and maximises their potential for learning. Too many esoteric trainers make themselves the ‘star’ of the show whereas Joanna puts the student first. By utilising a variety of delivery methods she caters for individual learning preferences.  Her workshops are fun, educational and inspiring because she ‘keeps it real’. She takes a hands-on approach to classroom activities and strives to make the learning relevant to the needs of the students.

Michael Rowan – Tarot Workshop, London