The main feature of this week 8 April 2013 is the New Moon in Aries, exact at 10.36 BST on Wednesday. New Moons are new brooms that sweep clean, and as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac this one carries an even bigger message around new beginnings and fresh starts. The essence of Aries is to initiate, and to approach life with enthusiasm and directness. Immediacy is the hallmark of this sign and, being ruled by Mars, this New Moon ushers in new challenges or the chance to start something from scratch. Unflinching self belief is also a key Aries characteristic so don’t wait for others to bolster your ego or give you encouragement – you can do it yourself!
New cycles are also indicated by the fact that two of the personal planets are on the homestretch of their journeys through a sign. Mercury is travelling through the last degrees of Pisces (to move into Aries in the early hours of Sunday), and Venus is travelling through the last degrees of Aries (to move into Taurus early next Monday). So also use this week to wrap up any outstanding tasks, to have that sensitive conversation you’ve been putting off, to clear the decks and spring clean your life in any way that will make you feel lighter and fresher. It’s out with the old and in with the new.