sorry, retrograde Mercury strikes.. forgot to post this up yesterday:
The Full Moon is exact this evening (20.27 GMT). Traditionally this is a time of illumination, of things coming full circle and information coming to light, but bear in mind that we currently have a retrograde Mercury. This signals a risk that things are not, in fact, what they seem or that there is more information to come. As always, the three week period of Mercury being retrograde is a time for caution and often a “wait and see” policy works best. In the meantime the usual advice applies – back up your work, watch your valuables and be careful what you say/commit to. You’ll find a link to three articles on the subject of retrograde Mercury on Sally Kirkman’s site:
This Full Moon is in Virgo – sign of health, duty and work. Virgo tends to get not so much bad press as boring press, often being associated with a “goody-goody” image, a critical nature, perfectionism and a strong work ethic. However, this is also the sign of skills and crafts, and this is where the positive Virgo talents for precision and attention to detail come into their own. This mindfulness is highly appropriate, even invaluable, for the combination of a Virgo Full Moon/retrograde Mercury.
So, what next? Mercury in Pisces backtracks to meet up with Mars in the same sign tomorrow morning, repeating an aspect that first occurred on 8 February. Mercury (communication) and Mars (war) – words can wound so look out for disputes, especially as Full Moon time is also notorious for “lunacy” and domestics. Or whatever started for you around 8 February is likely to pop up again, and you have a second chance to address it. You may be amused to note that Virgo correlates to the 6th house which is where we also find animals and I am currently at war with a huge stray tomcat who is wreaking havoc in my house, day and night, trying to get in and spraying everywhere when he does. A locked cat-flap is a mystery to my own animals but it’s the only answer for now! And, oh yes, the plumbing problems continue and the bathroom floor is due to be dug up this afternoon… joy.
Two other features this week – Venus follows the Sun, Mercury and Mars into Pisces in the early hours of tomorrow morning. This is good news in that Venus is said to be “exalted” in this sign – in other words, the Venusian qualities of love, peace and pleasure find easy expression in this gentle water sign. Note especially the Venus/Neptune (co-ruler of Pisces) conjunction on Thursday afternoon.
Finally the week ends with the Sun making positive aspects to Pluto and Saturn on Friday. Although the week does feel like something of an emotional rollercoaster these aspects do have a feel of bringing things back into perspective and into some kind of order. Even if you don’t get perfect results you will get some answers, insights, guidelines and the chance to regain some control over the important issues currently unfolding in your life. I might even have a new bathroom floor and no leaky pipes by then!
CLICK BELOW for the link to this week’s column: