It’s a transitional week. Firstly Jupiter turns direct on Wednesday (11.38 GMT), after being retrograde since the beginning of last October. Whatever has been on a go slow/seemingly working against you will start to turn around and make changes for the better. In particular Jupiter rules:
- Good luck/finding your path of good fortune
- All things legal
- All things foreign
- All things educational
- Expansion and liberation – anything that makes your world bigger and better
Jupiter makes this turning point in Gemini, sign of the Twins, so it may be that you’ll notice changes in two areas of your life, or that one event will have a clear knock on effect to the next. Note too that Jupiter loves to sow seeds. You may look back on this week and identify it as a significant time even if it’s not immediately apparent.
The weekend also brings change as Mars moves on into Pisces (water/feelings) and Venus moves on into Aquarius (air/intellect), both in the early hours of Saturday morning. These are primarily the “love planets” and this new cycle will play out until the end of the month. In essence, it’s all about balance – not allowing yourself to be governed purely by either your emotions or your opinions, but recognizing the importance of both within yourself and in others. This resonates with Temperance in the Tarot deck.
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February’s Valentine’s/love astrology is also now up on the site – don’t forget to LIKE on Facebook if you enjoy this extra feature – thank you!