Astrology blog – 7 May 2018

This week has a restless and changeable quality, but it’s not without its high spots or results. Top advice is to be adaptable and flexible. Don’t try to stick rigidly to either plans or opinions, or be overly reliant on other people. If ever there was a time for having Plan B tucked up your sleeve, this week is it! Mercury – the Communicator but also the Mischief Maker – is still a lead player, and is dominant at both the beginning and end of the week…

Joanna Watters astrology blog

Venus and Love Expectations, Uranus’ Turning Point and the final Eclipse – 6 August 2018

Venus opens the show this week, arriving in one of her own signs in the early hours of Tuesday. This ingress coincides exactly with the Sun squaring up to Jupiter as both events happen at 29 minutes after midnight. Uranus switches direction the same day. With Mars still retrograde, and now back at the beginning of Aquarius, the “love planets” harmonize in these two air signs in the early hours of Wednesday…

Well here it is, the week of the Big Prophecy. There are trillions of words out there on the internet about 21 December 2012 and it’s not within the scope of this blog to explore the many interpretations. They boil down to the dawning of a new spiritual era, or apocalyptic doomsday end of the…