Mercury Lifting Shadows, the Venus-Mars Work of Effortful Love & the Queen

The Astrology Blog 21 February 2022                                          All times in GMT                                       “Dependency may appear to be love because it is a force that causes people to fiercely attach themselves to one another. But in actuality it is not love; it is a form of antilove … it seeks to receive rather than to give.…

The Queen and the Duke, Spinning Plates and Venus’ New Cycle

Breaking news astrologically, a copy of the Duke’s birth certificate, in Greek as he was born in Corfu. This made me smile – how very typical of a double Gemini to have two different times of birth and therefore two charts. But more importantly this is fascinating symbolically as the new chart changes the Ascendant to Leo … The synastry between the Duke and the Queen is also strengthened as this new chart shows that their Leo Moons are now in fact only 3 degrees apart.