Thank you so much for the wonderful personalised year report – I found it not only informative but utterly absorbing.

Mo – Personal Year Ahead Report

I just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am with my Year Ahead report. It made for fascinating reading. What came across was that there really is “a plan”. I feel both comforted and uplifted, and I know I’ll be referring to this guide not just for now but for the coming year, and the summary at the end was especially helpful. With thanks! 

Alex – Personal Year Ahead Report

Thanks so much for the reading Joanna, you simply would not believe how accurate it was. The tarot spreads summed up the scene and how I was feeling about my situation, and even described the personality of the other person that you’d never met.  The reading confirmed to me that what I had felt and already done was the right thing, and left me in no doubt as to how to proceed.

Nicola – Personal Reading

I wanted to tell you my news, because I think of you so often and I can’t believe how right you were with EVERYTHING. I did get together with the guy from Crete, we had the best time ever and, as you predicted, I got that light bulb moment of “he’s The One”. So yes, my life changed completely, and even more importantly… I am pregnant!! I will be a mum,  exactly as you said. So nothing could be truer than your reading of my horoscope. Thank you so much.

Margreet – Personal Reading

I am just blown away by your reading. Literally, chills in places, tears in others, jaw dropped throughout. I can’t believe how specifically you nailed me and — just as amazingly — my partner. Who is indeed, as described. And looking for a career change as you saw. I am so grateful for your having done this for me. I really wasn’t expecting anything so … revealing.

Diane – Personal Reading