Greek Island Moon Goddess Magic – 25 May 2022

Introduction The course will include working on your own horoscope and material from Elisabeth’s books A Woman’s Book of Shadows (1993/2019) and Goddess Astrology (coming in April 2022). Moon Goddess Magic is a new workshop for Greek Island Astrology, created by Elisabeth Brooke. Elisabeth teaches Astrology and Tarot, is a Psychosynthesis counsellor, Medical Herbalist and…

Greek Island Astrology in Action – 31 August 2022

Introduction Astrology in Action is designed for intermediate students. Have you been studying astrology for a while, either consistently or on and off? Have you reached the stage of looking at a horoscope, and glazing over? You are not alone. This is what happens to every student when studying this ancient, fascinating but often mystifying…

Supervision of Client Astrology Readings

Supervision of Client Astrology Readings NEW Supervision of Client Astrology Readings This is designed for readers who would like support in how to interpret horoscopes for your own clients. The supervision also supports you in how to conduct your reading. Consultations take place by What’s App or phone. Waiting list is currently approx two weeks…